Randi Azmi
Academic Area: Physics, Chemistry, Materials, New Energy Science and Engineering
Email: randiazmi@cuhk.edu.cn

CAI, Wei
Assistant Professor
Academic Area: Computer Engineering
Email: caiwei@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://mypage.cuhk.edu.cn/academics/caiwei/

CHEN, Junting
Assistant Professor
Academic Area: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Email: juntingc@cuhk.edu.cn

CHEN, Tiankai
Academic Area: Chemistry, Materials
Email: chentiankai@cuhk.edu.cn

CHEN, Tinghuan
Academic Area: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Email: chentinghuan@cuhk.edu.cn

CHEN, Yuan
Academic Area: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Email: chenyuan@cuhk.edu.cn

CHEN, Zhongxin
Academic Area: Chemistry, Materials, New Energy Science and Engineering
Email: chenzhongxin@cuhk.edu.cn

CHEN, Zitan
Academic Area: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering
Email: chenztan@cuhk.edu.cn

CUI, Bingyu
Academic Area: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Materials
Email: bycui@cuhk.edu.cn

Sanjib GHOSH
Academic Area: Physics, Materials, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Email: sanjibghosh@cuhk.edu.cn

GONG, Shihua
Academic Area: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Email: gongshihua@cuhk.edu.cn

Academic Area: Physics, Materials
Email: guanjun@cuhk.edu.cn