MPhil-PhD Programmes
The School of Science and Engineering of CUHK-Shenzhen has established seven MPhil-PhD programs: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Energy Science and Engineering, Computer and Information Engineering, Biomedical Engineering.
The MPhil-PhD programme in Mathematics aims to educate and cultivate research students with a broad foundation in mathematics and specialized knowledge in selected concentrations. The research focus in partial differential equations, computational mathematics, financial mathematics, algebra, geometry, topology and related interdisciplinary fields. They are expected to become leading academics and researchers in universities, research institutes, and industries, making an original and substantial contribution to selected fields. An applicant with a master’s degree should apply for admission to the PhD Stream, while an applicant with a bachelor’s degree can apply for admission to either MPhil or PhD Stream. Students who satisfy prescribed requirements will receive degree of CUHK.
The MPhil-PhD Programme in Physics is designed for students who wish to pursue a higher degree in the broad area of Physics, with a research focus on condensed matter physics, semiconductor physics, statistic physics, surface and interface physics, computational physics, and quantum physics. An applicant with a research master’s degree should apply for admission to the PhD Stream, while an applicant with a bachelor’s degree can apply for admission to either MPhil or PhD Stream.
The MPhil-PhD programme in Chemistry is designed for students who wish to pursue a higher degree in the broad area of Chemistry (CHM), with a research focus in Synthetic Chemistry, Theory Chemistry, Organometallic or Organocatalysis Chemistry, Functional Materials Molecule Synthesis, Nanomaterials, Polymer Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Heterogeneous Catalyst, Surface Chemistry, Environmental Materials, Energy Materials, Solar Energy, Fuel Cells, Li-ion Batteries. Applicants should have education background in Science and Engineering. Students who satisfy the prescribed requirements will receive a degree from CUHK.
The MPhil-PhD programme in Materials Science and Engineering has designed for students who wish to pursue a higher degree in the broad area of Materials Science and Engineering, with a research focus on advanced structure materials, functional materials, smart materials, polymer materials, magnetic materials, optical and optoelectronic materials and devices, many body quantum-mechanic problem, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, biomaterials, nanomaterials, composites, surface chemistry and interfacial engineering, materials modelling and simulation, materials production and processing, energy materials, materials for environmental purification, aerosol and nanoparticle engineering, green chemistry and materials life cycle. An applicant with a research master’s degree should apply for admission to the PhD Stream, while an applicant with a bachelor degree can apply for admission to either MPhil or PhD Stream. Applicants should have education background in science and engineering. Students who satisfy prescribed requirements will receive degree of CUHK.
The MPhil-PhD programme in Energy Science and Engineering aims to educate and cultivate research students with a broad foundation in Energy Science and Engineering and specialized knowledge in selected concentrations, to perform cutting-edge research and provide professional education on globally hot issues related to energy. The students are expected to become leading academics and researchers in universities, research institutes, and industries.
The School of Science and Engineering at CUHK(SZ) has designed the programme for students who wish to pursue a higher degree in the broad area of Computer and Information Engineering (CIE), with research focus in artificial intelligence, communications and networking, computer architecture and engineering, control, data science, digital signal processing, intelligent systems and robotics, operations research, optimization, bioinformatics, and related domains. An applicant with a research master’s degree should apply for admission to the PhD Stream, while an applicant with a bachelor degree can apply for admission to either MPhil or PhD Stream. Applicants should have education background in science and engineering.
The Biomedical Engineering (BME) is an interdisciplinary program involving the application of Engineering principles and design concepts on Biology and Medicine for healthcare purposes, such as diagnosis, monitoring, and therapy of diseases. The primary mission of our BME program is to cultivate students with the cross-disciplinary expertise in biology, medicine, and engineering fields.