BI, Wengang
Academic Area: Physics, Materials, Electrical Engineering
Email: waynebi@cuhk.edu.cn

KAM, Pooi-Yuen
Academic Area: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Email: pykam@cuhk.edu.cn

Ayman Kachmar
Academic Area: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Email: akachmar@cuhk.edu.cn
LEUNG, Clement
Academic Area: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Computer Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Email: clementleung@cuhk.edu.cn

LEUNG, Wing Por Kevin
Academic Area: Chemistry
Email: kevinleung@cuhk.edu.cn

Daigo Miyajima
Academic Area: Chemistry, Materials
Email: dmiyajima@cuhk.edu.cn

PAN, Xingbin
Academic Area: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Email: panxingbin@cuhk.edu.cn

WANG, Xiangrong
Academic Area: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Physics, Materials, New Energy Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Email: phxwan@cuhk.edu.cn

Academic Area: Physics, Materials, Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

CHANG, Tsung-Hui
Associate Professor
Academic Area: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Email: changtsunghui@cuhk.edu.cn

ZHAO, Junhua
Associate Professor
Academic Area: Computer Engineering, New Energy Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Email: zhaojunhua@cuhk.edu.cn

Associate Professor
Academic Area: Physics, Materials, Electrical Engineering
Email: zhouyan@cuhk.edu.cn