JI, Xiaoqiang
Research Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (Columbia University, New York, US)
Prof. JI Xiaoqiang received his PhD from Columbia University in the United States. He is currently a research assistant professor in School of Science and Engineering, CUHK-Shenzhen. He is also the director of the Intelligent Control Center of the Shenzhen Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (AIRS), and is serving as the expert committee member of Chine Simulation Federation Intelligent IOT Systems.
His research mainly focuses on intelligent control systems, has hosted a number of scientific research and talent projects, and has published more than 40 journal and conference articles so far, in top international journals and conferences such as Automatica, IEEE/ASME T-Mech, T-ASE, Information Fusion, RA-L, CDC, and ICRA, etc. Especially in non-minimum phase intelligent systems, he is one of the promoters of the design of learning control methods worldwide in this field. He serves as a technical reviewer for many top journals and conferences including IEEE T-AC, associate editor of MECC, and area chair of international conferences such as RCAR. He has recently won the CINT Excellent Paper Award, ISUI Best Paper Award, etc.
The AI-driven Control and Decision Laboratory lead by Prof. JI is an interdisciplinary platform, which requires deep integration of basic sciences such as control theory, artificial intelligence, robotics, high-performance computing, big data, etc.
(*Correspondence author)
- X. Ji*, S. Zhu, Y. Xu, and R. Longman. Lifted time stable inversion based feedforward control for linear non-minimum phase systems, Automatica, vol. 171, pp. 111979, 2025.
- H.Wan, Y.Zhang, J.Wang, D.Wu, M.Li, X.Chen, Y.Deng, Y.Huang, Z.Sun, and Xiaoqiang Ji*. Toward universal embodied planning in scalable heterogeneous collaboration and control, Journal of Field Robotics (JFR), 1556-4959.
- S.Zhu, Xiaoqiang Ji*, R. Longman, and Y. Xu. Lifted time stable inversion based high precision feedforward control for non-minimum phase systems, IEEE 63rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 16-19, 2024.
- X. Ji, X.Zhang, S.Zhu, F.Deng and B.Zhu. Data-driven adaptive consensus control for heterogeneous nonlinear multi-agent systems using online reinforcement learning, Neurocomputing, Vol. 596, 127818, 2024.
- J.Li, C.Zhao, X. Ji*, M.Li, G.Lu, Y.Xu, and D.Zhang. Multi-view instance attention fusion network for classification, Information Fusion, Vol. 101, 101974, 2024.
- K.Xue, X. Ji*, D.Qu, Y.Peng and H.Qian*. Oboat: An agile omnidirectional robotic platform for unmanned surface vehicle tasks, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (T-Mech), vol.28, no.5, pp.2413-2424, Oct. 2023.
- S. Zhu, Y. Wang, B. Zhu, and X. Ji*. Tracking error boundary of novel stable inversion based feedforward control for a class of non-minimum phase systems, CINT, vol 1714, Springer, 2023. [Excellent Paper Award]
- K.Xue, C.Ren, Xiaoqiang Ji*, and H. Qian*. Design, modeling and implementation of a projectile-based mechanism for USVs charging tacks, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L),vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 360-367, Jan. 2023.
- K.Xue, J. Liu, N. Xiao, X. Ji*, and H. Qian*. A bio-inspired simultaneous surface and underwater risk assessment method based on stereo vision for USVs in nearshore clean waters, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2022.
- X. Ji, and R. Longman. Two new stable inverses of discrete time systems, Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, AAS/American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), vol. 171(1), 2020, pp. 4137-4143.