X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor
CUI, Shuguang
X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor
CUI, Shuguang
Shuguang Cui received his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, California, USA, in 2005. Afterwards, he has been working as assistant, associate, full, Chair Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Univ. of Arizona, Texas A&M University, UC Davis, and CUHK at Shenzhen, respectively. He has also served as the Executive Dean for the School of Science and Engineering at CUHK-Shenzhen, and the Executive Vice Director at Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data.
His current research interests focus on data driven large-scale system control and resource management, large data set analysis, IoT system design, energy harvesting based communication system design, and cognitive network optimization. He was selected as the Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher and listed in the World's Most Influential Scientific Minds by ScienceWatch in 2014. He was the recipient of the IEEE Signal Processing Society 2012 Best Paper Award. He has served as the general co-chair and TPC co-chairs for many IEEE conferences. He has also been serving as the area editor for IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, and associate editors for IEEE Transactions on Big Data, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE JSAC Series on Green Communications and Networking, and IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. He has been the elected member for IEEE Signal Processing Society SPCOM Technical Committee (2009~2014) and the elected Chair for IEEE ComSoc Wireless Technical Committee (2017~2018). He is a member of the Steering Committee for IEEE Transactions on Big Data and the Chair of the Steering Committee for IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. He is also the Vice Chair of the IEEE VT Fellow Evaluation Committee and a member of the IEEE ComSoc Award Committee. He was elected as an IEEE Fellow in 2013, an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer in 2014, and IEEE VT Society Distinguished Lecturer in 2019. In 2020, he won the IEEE ICC best paper award, ICIP best paper finalist, the IEEE Globecom best paper award. In 2021, he won the IEEE WCNC best paper award. In 2023, he is elected as the Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing and the Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering.
X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor
LUO, Zhiquan Tom
X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor
LUO, Zhiquan Tom
Professor Zhi-Quan (Tom) Luo received his BSc degree in Applied Mathematics from Peking University, China, in 1984. In the same year, he was selected by a joint AMS-SIAM committee and the Ministry of Education of China for graduate study in the United States (S.S. Chern Program). Following a 12-month intensive training in English and Mathematics, he enrolled in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he received a PhD degree in Operations Research in 1989. From 1989 to 2003, he was on the faculty in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Canada where he eventually served as the department head and was awarded a Canada Research Chair (Tier I) in Information Processing. From 2003 to 2014, Professor Luo has been a full professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota and held an endowed ADC Chair in digital technology. Currently, Professor Luo serves as the Vice President (Academic) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and concurrently the Director of Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data and also the Director of CUHK(SZ)-Tencent AI Lab Joint Laboratory on Machine Intelligence. He became the director of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)-Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data-Huawei Innovation Laboratory of Future Network System Optimization in 2020.
Professor Luo received the 2010 Farkas Prize from the INFORMS Optimization Society for outstanding contributions to the field of optimization. In 2018, he was awarded the prize of Paul Y. Tseng Memorial Lectureship in Continuous Optimization. He also received three Best Paper Awards from the IEEE Signal Processing Society in 2004, 2009 and 2011 respectively, and a 2011 Best Paper Award from the EURASIP. In 2021, he was awarded 2020 ICCM Best Paper Award by International Consortium of Chinese Mathematicians. Professor Luo is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). In 2014, he was elected to the Royal Society of Canada, the highest honor a Canadian scholar can achieve in the Arts, Humanities and Sciences. In 2016, Professor Luo was elected to the Leading Talent Program of Guangdong Province. In 2021, he has been appointed as a Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE).
Professor Luo’s research mainly addresses mathematical issues in information sciences, with particular focus on the design, analysis and applications of optimization algorithms. Professor Luo consults regularly with industry on topics related to signal processing and digital communication. Professor Luo was the semi-plenary speaker for the International Symposium on Mathematical Programming in 2003 and IEEE CDC conference in 2011, the distinguished lecturer for the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop in 2006, the plenary speaker for the IEEE Signal Processing Advance for Wireless Communications (SPAWC) Workshop in 2013, and IEEE Signal Processing Theory and Methods Workshop in 2014. Professor Luo has served as the Chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Committee on Signal Processing for Communications (SPCOM). He was the Editor in Chief for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing from 2012 to 2014 and served as the Associate Editor for many internationally recognized journals, including Mathematics of Operations Research, Management Science, Mathematical Programming and others.
X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor
PUI, David You-Hong
X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor
PUI, David You-Hong
Professor Pui is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, USA, and director of the Particle Technology Laboratory, University of Minnesota. He is also the director of the Filtration Research Center, which consists of 21 leading international filtration companies. He has extensive research experience in aerosols and nanoparticles, and has published more than 300 papers and obtained more than 40 patents. He has won several awards, including the Max Planck Research Award (German national award, 1993), the Humboldt Advanced Scientist Research Award (German national award, 2000), the Fox Memorial Award (2010) - the highest award from the American, German and Japanese aerosol associations. He received his Bachelor, Master and PhD degree all from University of Minnesota. He is now the Distinguished McKnight University Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department of University of Minnesota, and also the Presidential Chair Professor in School of Science and Engineering of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.
Professor Pui's Research interest has focused on industrial applications of aerosol science & technology and nanoparticle engineering, and on developing instrumentation for generating, sampling and measuring airborne particles. Fundamental topics include aerosol charging & neutralization, aerosol sampling, transport & deposition, and air/gas/liquid filtration.
X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor
TONG, Shuk Yin David
X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor
TONG, Shuk Yin David
Employment History
a) Academic
I. Academic Appointments in China and Hong Kong, China
1) Professor and Dean of the Graduate School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (2015-present)
2) Leading Professor and Chair of the Academic Committee, South University of Science and Technology of China (2011-2015)
3) Professor, The University of Hong Kong (2009-2010)
4) Deputy President, City University of Hong Kong (2003-2008)
5) Vice-President for Academic Affairs, City University of Hong Kong (2002-2003)
6) Chair Professor, City University of Hong Kong (2001-2009)
7) Head, Department of Physics and Chair Professor, The University of Hong Kong (1994-2001).
8) Director, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale
II. Academic Appointments in the United States
9) Distinguished Professor, University of WisconsinMilwaukee (1988-2000).
10) Director, Laboratory for Surface Studies, University of WisconsinMilwaukee (1980-1994). Unit of Center of Excellence of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Milwaukee System
11) Senior Scientist, The University of Wisconsin-Madison Synchrotron Radiation Center, Stoughton, WI. (1982-1984).
12) Professor, Physics Department, University of WisconsinMilwaukee (1979-1988).
13) Associate Professor, Physics Department, University of WisconsinMilwaukee (1977-1979).
14) Assistant Professor, Physics Department, University of WisconsinMilwaukee (1973-1977).
b) Industry (Consultant Appointments)
1) IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY (1974, 1975, 1981, 1983).
2) Naval Research Laboratory, Semiconductor and Surface Physics Division, Washington, DC (1973, 1975, 1977, 1980).
3) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Solid State Division, Oak Ridge, TN (1981).
4) NASA Space Epitaxy Program, Houston, Texas (1990-1994).
5) Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (1990-1992).
c) Editorial Appointments
1) Editor-in-Chief, Surface Review and Letters, World Scientific, New Jersey, USA (1993-2011).
2) Editorial Board, Acta Physica Sinica, Overseas Edition (1998).
3) Editorial Board, Encyclopedic Services of Materials Sciences Foundations, Germany (1998).
4) Editorial Board, International Journal of Nanoscience, World Scientific, New Jersey, USA (2002).
Professional Services
a) Official Appointments
1) President, Surface Science Division, American Vacuum Society (1986).
2) Vice President, Surface Science Division, American Vacuum Society (1985).
3) Director, Condensed Matter Section, Division of Materials Research, National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. (1988-89).
4) Selection Committee Member, Presidential Young Investigators Program, National Science Foundation Panel, Washington, DC (1990).
5) Committee Member, Atomic Resolution Microscopy Panel, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC (1992).
6) Committee Member, SRI International Panel on Assessment of Research Activity in the People's Republic of China, NSF Science and Technology Policy Program, Washington, DC (1992).
7) Committee Member, Ad Hoc Group for the Solid State Sciences Committee (SSSC), the U.S. National Research Council, Washington, DC (1980).
8) Committee Member, Atomic Resolution Microscopy Program, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC (1992).
9) Committee Member, The DARPA VIP Thin Film Program, Washington, DC (1987).
10) Physical Sciences Panel Member, RGC, Hong Kong, China (1994-2001).
11) Joint Selection Committee Member, NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme (1999-2002).
12) Judging Panel for Hong Kong Technology Award (2006-2008).
b) Awards and Honorary Appointments
1) Croucher Foundation Senior Research Fellowship (1997-1998).
2) Royal Society Distinguished Professorship (1993).
3) Distinguished Visiting Scientist, High Resolution Microscopy Center, Arizona State University (1988).
4) Distinguished Lecturer, China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST), Beijing (1991).
5) Distinguished Lecturer, Ministry of Education, Taiwan,China (1987).
6) Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
7) Fellow, American Physical Society (2001).
8) Member, The World Academy of Sciences (2010).
c) Special Honors and Achievements
1) Invited to nominate candidates for the Nobel Prize of Physics (1986).
2) Invited to nominate candidates for the Japan Prize in Materials Technology (1992).
3) Book "Surface Crystallography by Low Energy Electron Diffraction" was used as a key reference in C. Kittel’s Introduction to Solid State Physics, 6th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
4) Two papers on the structure of GaAs surfaces "Semiconductor Surface Reconstruction: The Rippled Geometry of GaAs(110)", and "The Geometric Structures of the GaAs(111) and (110) Surfaces" were selected for inclusion in "Gallium Arsenide", ed. J.S. Blakemore, AIP publisher, which selected 58 articles based on their enduring relevance.
5) Invited paper "Exploring Surface Physics" published in August 1984 by Physics Today was selected for CD-ROM collection in the US Encyclopedia for Physics Teaching.
6) Papers "Low-Energy Electron and Low-Energy Positron Holography" and "Energy Dependence of Inelastic Electron Scattering Cross Section by Surface Vibrations" were selected for coverage by Physics Today, Physics World and Science and Vie in 1993.
7) Three papers: "Focusing and Diffraction Effects in Angle-Resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy", "Importance of Multiple Forward Scattering in Medium-and High-Energy Electron Emission and/or Diffraction Spectroscopies" and "Small-atom Approximation in Forward- and Back- Scattering Photoelectron Spectroscopies" were selected for coverage in Physics News in 1986 by Physics Today.
Conferences Organized
Invited by many major professional societies to organize international conferences. These professional societies include MRS, APS, IUPAPS and IUVSTA. Have organized over 50 international conferences under the sponsorship of these organizations.
Patent Received
U.S. Patent: "Method of Three-Dimensional Atomic Imaging," No. 5,095,207.
Date: March 10, 1992.
Citations of Publications:
Total citations: 10,436. h-index: 52. First tier journals: 35 PRL+2 science+1 PNAS+1 Advances in Physics+1 Progress in Surface Science+2 Physics Today= 42
Papers cited over 100 times: 24.
X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor
ZHU, Shiping
X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor
ZHU, Shiping
Professor Zhu received B.Eng. degree from Zhejiang University in 1982 and PhD degree from McMaster University in 1991. He joined Department of Chemical Engineering and Department of Materials Science and Engineering at McMaster University in 1994 as a faculty member. He became Canada Research Chair in polymer reaction engineering in 2001. He served as Department Chair for Chemical Engineering from 2009 to 2014. He was bestowed the highest title honor of "Distinguished University Professor" at McMaster University in 2015. Professor Zhu joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen in 2017. He is a Presidential Chair Professor in the School of Science and Engineering, currently serving as Vice President for external and student affairs and Founding President for Shenzhen Institute for Advanced Polymer Materials.
Professor Zhu’s research is in the area of polymer chemical engineering, specializing polymer reaction engineering. He has made significant original contributions to metallocene solution polymerization of olefins, controlled radical polymerization, polymerization kinetic modelling and industrial process digitalization. He received Chemical Institute of Canada "Macromolecular Science and Engineering Award" in 2011 and Canadian Society of Chemical Engineering premier award "R.S. Jane Memorial Award" in 2016.
Professor Zhu received the National Science Fund for Overseas Distinguished Young Scholars in 2004. He was elected as Fellow of Chemical Institute of Canada in 2009, Canadian Academy of Engineering in 2010, Engineering Institute of Canada in 2011, Royal Society of Canada in 2014 and The World Academy of Sciences in 2020.
Professor Zhu has long term devoted to teaching and research in chemical engineering and polymer science. He has trained about 150 higher degree personnel, published 400 technical papers, received 18,000 citations with H index 77.
Professor Zhu is keen on the popularization of science. In the recent years, he has visited more than one hundred universities and high schools, delivering "The First Lecture in Chemical Engineering" "Devoted to the Arts of Science and Engineering for the Goods of Common People", and published "Song of Chemical Engineering", "Disciplinary Construction as Building Chinese Honorific Arch", "Life is Integration, Happiness is Derivative".
Professor Zhu is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for Progress in Polymer Science, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, Macromolecular Theory and Simulation, Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, and Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering (English Edition).
Presidential Chair Professor
HUANG, Jianwei
Presidential Chair Professor
HUANG, Jianwei
Jianwei Huang is a Presidential Chair Professor and Associate Vice President (Institutional Development) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. He is also the Associate Director of the Shenzhen Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Society. He has been an IEEE Fellow, a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Communications Society, and a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher in Computer Science. He received the PhD degree from Northwestern University (USA) in 2005, worked as a Postdoc Research Associate at Princeton University (USA) during 2005-2007, and worked as Assistant/Associate/Full Professor at the Department of Information Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong during 2007-2018.
Dr. Huang’s research interests lie in the nexus of network optimization, network economics and crowd intelligence, and he has published 360+ papers in leading international journals and conferences, with a total Google Scholar citations of 17000+. He is the co-author of 11 Best Paper Awards, including the IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications in 2011. He has co-authored seven books, including the textbook of "Wireless Network Pricing". He received the Chinese University of Hong Kong Young Researcher Award in 2014 and IEEE Communications Society Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2009.
Dr. Huang is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (JCR Q1). He has served as an Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Cognitive Radio Series, and IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. He has served as the Chair of IEEE Communications Society Cognitive Network Technical Committee and Multimedia Communications Technical Committee. He is the recipient of IEEE Communications Society Multimedia Communications Technical Committee Distinguished Service Award in 2015 and IEEE GLOBECOM Outstanding Service Award in 2010.
Presidential Chair Professor
NI, Wei-Ming
Presidential Chair Professor
NI, Wei-Ming
Birth: December 23, 1950
B.S.: June, 1972, National Taiwan University-China
Ph.D.: 1979, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania, 1979-1981
Member, Institute for Advanced Study, 1979-1980
Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota, 1981-84
Associate Professor, University of Minnesota, 1984-86
Professor, University of Minnesota, 1986-present
Director, Center for PDE, ECNU, Shanghai, China, 2010 - 2017
Journal of Differential Equations, Editor-in-Chief, 2011-present
Editorial Boards:
Journal of Partial Differential Equations, 1991-present
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 1995-present
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A, 1997-present
Journal of Differential Equations, 2005-2011
Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 2010-present
Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 2013-present
Honors, Awards and Grants:
Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 1994
Highly Cited Researcher, ISI, 2002 (Original Member)
Lead Mathematician, "111-Project", ECNU, Shanghai, China 2007-present
Special Contribution Prize, Mathematical Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan Region), 2009
Presidential Chair Professor
WANG, Xuefeng
Presidential Chair Professor
WANG, Xuefeng
Prior to joining CUHKSZ in August, 2019, Prof. Wang worked at Tulane University for 26 years; and at Southern University of Science and Technology during 2016-2019. He has been teaching, non-stop except when he was on sabbatical leaves. He has taught many courses ranging from freshmen Calculus, to topics courses for Ph.D students. Professor Wang's research field is partial differential equations (PDE). Some of his research topics are meant to discover new mathematical phenomena and provide new insights, or demonstrate new methods/ideas via specific, prototype PDEs in a simple and crystal-clear framework; the other topics (e.g. global bifurcation theory, and Krein-Rutman theory) are meant to provide general, yet user-friendly tools for workers to use when attacking sophisticated PDE models arising in applications.
Presidential Chair Professor
XU, Yangsheng
Presidential Chair Professor
XU, Yangsheng
Professor Xu Yangsheng is Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. He obtained his PhD degree from the University of Pennsylvania. He worked at Carnegie Mellon University (USA) for years and joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong subsequently. In August of 2013, Professor Xu was appointed the first President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen after a global selection process.
Professor Xu's research includes robotics and artificial intelligence. He has been interested in space robotics, service robotics, robot language, wearable interface, intelligent vehicles and self-learning systems. He has published 6 books, and over 300 papers in international journals in these areas. He is Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, International Member of the US National Academy of Engineering, Fellow of EU Academy of Sciences, Fellow of International Academy of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Academician of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, and Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences. On 14 November 2016, a main-belt asteroid was named 59425 Xu-Yangsheng in recognition of his contributions.
KAM, Pooi-Yuen
KAM, Pooi-Yuen
Prof. Pooi-Yuen KAM was born in Ipoh, Malaysia, where he had his pre-university education. After receiving his college education at MIT and working for a short period at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, he taught for nearly forty years at the National University of Singapore (NUS) as a professor. He is now a professor at the CUHK(SZ) where he has the opportunity to explore greener research pastures.
LEUNG, Clement
LEUNG, Clement
Clement Leung obtained his BSc (Hons) in Mathematics from McGill University, Canada, his MSc in Mathematics from Oxford University, and his PhD in Computer Science from University College London. He has held several academic appointments in Europe, including an Established Chair and Head of Department at the University of London. His Australasian academic appointments include the Foundation Chair in Computer Science at Australia’s Victoria University, as well as full professorships at the National University of Singapore and Hong Kong Baptist University.
He holds two US patents, and his publications include five books and over 150 research articles. His services to the research community include serving as Program Chair, Program Co-Chair, Keynote Speaker, Panel Expert, and on the Program Committee and Steering Committee of major International Conferences. In addition to contributing to the editorship of ten international journals, he has served as Chairman of the International Association for Pattern Recognition Technical Committee on Multimedia and Visual Information Systems, as well as well as on the International Standards (ISO) MPEG-7 Committee responsible for generating standards for digital multimedia, where he played an active role in shaping the influential MPEG-7 International Standard. He is listed in Who's Who in the World, Great Minds of the 21st Century, Who's Who in Australia, Dictionary of International Biography, and Who's Who in Australasia & Pacific Nations. He is a Fellow of the British Computer Society, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, and a Chartered Engineer.
LEUNG, Wing Por Kevin
LEUNG, Wing Por Kevin
Professor Leung received his B.Sc. (Hon.) degree from the University of Kent at Canterbury (1979), M.Sc. (Organometallic Chemistry) from the University of Sussex (1980) and Ph.D. from the University of Western Australia (1984). After his Senior Postdoctoral Fellow position in Sussex University (UK), he joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1990. He was appointed as the Director of Applied Chemistry and Management Studies Programme from 2001 to 2006. He was the Professor in the Chemistry Department from 1997 to 2015. He was appointed as the Chairman of Chemistry Department in 2014 to 2015. He is now the Adjunct Professor of Chemistry Department. He is currently a member and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He is also a Chartered Chemist and Chartered Scientist. He is serving as the regional editor for the journal Main Group Chemistry. He has also served as the reviewers for international journals such as Organometallics, Inorganic Chemistry, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry and J.C.S. Dalton Trans. His research areas include:
1. Synthetic, structural and mechanistic studies of organometallic compounds, focusing on the use of bulky ligands in stabilizing otherwise kinetically labile molecules.
2. Reactivity studies of main group G14 metal carbene analogues.
3. Synthetic and catalytic studies of organo-zirconium and lanthanide compounds.