在上述项目的支持下,团队取得丰硕的学术成果。近五年以第一或通讯者发表JCR 一区论文100余篇,团队成员以第一(通讯)作者在Nature Electronics、Nature Physics、Nature Communications、PRL等顶级学术期刊发表论文40 余篇,论文被国际同行引用12300 多次(H-index 53),拥有国际及国家发明专利30余项,40多篇发表论文入选自然子刊封面论文以及SCI 物理类前1%高引文章,并多次被Nature自然科研,IOP 纳米技术,以及亚洲自然杂志网等深具影响力的科研新闻网站广泛报道。
周艳教授多次获邀在美国物理学会、美国材料学会、国际磁性材料会议做邀请报告,并担任会议组委会成员。周艳教授长期担任Nature Materials、Nature Physics、Nature Nanotechnology等杂志审稿人。亦受邀为国家自然科学基金委、法国国家研究署、德国科学基金会、欧盟基金、深圳科创委评审项目。
- 2023深圳市教育工作先进个人荣誉称号(“深圳市优秀教师”)
- 2023年度深圳市五四青年团队奖章
- 2023年度香港中文大学(深圳)理工学院首届杰出表现基金
- 2022年度霍英东教育基金会第18届高等院校青年科学奖
- 2021年度深圳市自然科学技术一等奖(第一完成人)
- 2020-2022入选斯坦福大学发布的世界科学家影响力前2%排行榜
- 2021年香港中文大学(深圳)首届杰出青年科研奖
- 2021年英国皇家物理学会Fellow(会士)
- 2017/2021年度中国新锐科技人物
- 2020年香港中文大学(深圳)校长学者奖
- 2019年中国电子学会二等奖(第二完成人)
- 2017年香港中文大学(深圳)的首届校长模范教学奖
- “Identifying and Exploring Synthetic Antiferromagnetic Skyrmions”
Y. Zhao(课题组成员), S. Yang, K. Wu, S. Li, Y. Gao, H. Hao, X. Zhang, S. Wang, Q. Liu, S. Zhang*, Z. Chu, J. Åkerman, and Yan Zhou*
Advanced Functional Materials, 2303133 (2023).
[The experimental paper provides a reliable way to identify topological spin textures with zero skyrmion Hall effect]
- “Reversible Conversion Between Skyrmions and Skyrmioniums”
Sheng Yang(课题组成员), Yuelei Zhao, Kai Wu, Zhiqin Chu, Xiaohong Xu, Xiaoguang Li, Johan Åkerman, and Yan Zhou*
Nature Communications, 14, 3406 (2023).
[The experimental paper demonstrates the conversion between different topological spin textures with different topological charges]
- “Universal quantum computations based on nano-skyrmion helicity qubits in frustrated magnets”
Jing Xia(课题组成员), Xichao Zhang, Xiaoxi Liu, Yan Zhou*, Motohiko Ezawa*
Physical Review Letters, 130, 106701(2023).
[The frst paper to propose universal quantum computation based on magnetic skyrmion Helicity with DDI]
- “Event-based Vision in Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect Microscopy”
Kai Zhang(课题组成员), Yuelei Zhao, Z. Q. Chu, Yan Zhou*
AIP Advances, 12, 095315 (2022). [Feature article]
Highlight: New “add-on” mimics human eye, elevates traditional microscopy technology.
Scilight "Integrating revolutionary sensor technology with Magneto-optic Kerr effect microscopy,"
- “A comparative study of the domain wall motion in ferrimagnets (Fe,Co)1−x(Gd,Tb)x”
Yuqing Zhou(课题组成员), Teng Xu, Xue Liang, Le Zhao, Hengan Zhou, Wanjun Jiang*, and Yan Zhou*
Nanoscale, 14, 13526 (2022). Front cover
- “Current-induced dynamics and chaos of antiferromagnetic bimerons”
L. Shen(课题组成员), J. Xia, X. Zhang, M. Ezawa, O. A. Tretiakov, X. Liu, G. Zhao*, and Yan Zhou*
Physical Review Letters, 124, 037202 (2020).
- “Exchange-torque-triggered fast switching of antiferromagnetic domains”
J. Xu, X. Zhang(课题组成员), J. Xia, Chao Zhou, Dong Shi, Haoran Chen, Tong Wu, Qian Li, Haifeng Ding, Yan Zhou*, Yizheng Wu*
Physical Review Letters, 128, 137201 (2022).
- “Detection of HIV-1 antigen based on magnetic tunnel junction sensor and magnetic nanoparticles”
L. Li(课题组成员), K. Y. Mak, Yan Zhou*
Chinese Physics B, 29, 088701 (2020). “Editor’s suggestion”
Le Zhao, Zidong Wang(课题组成员), Xichao Zhang, Xue Liang, Jing Xia, Keyu Wu, Heng-An Zhou, Yiqing Dong, Guoqiang Yu, Kang L. Wang, Xiaoxi Liu, Yan Zhou*, and Wanjun Jiang*
Physical Review Letters, 125, 027206 (2020).
- “Magnetic skyrmions: intriguing physics and new spintronic device concepts”
Yan Zhou*
National Science Review, vol. 6, No. 2, pp 210-212 (2019).