





朱熹教授分别在中国科学技术大学少年班学院获得应用物理学学士学位,新加坡南洋理工大学材料科学与工程学院获得博士学位。朱熹教授一直从事AI和机器人技术对于基础物理化学理论的实验验证,朱教授2017年年底加入香港中文大学(深圳)理工学院和机器人与人工智能实验室,2018年架构了我国第一台化学实验机器人AIR-Chem (Authentic Intelligent Robotics for Chemistry)。随后架构了包括MAOS (Materials Acceleration Operating System)操作系统,以及基于AIR-Chem和MAOS系统衍生出来的云端化学材料实验室MAOSIC,具备自主实验数据分析能力的智能实验系统AIM (Authentic Intelligent Machine),超融合自主有机连续流反应基础设施HAORI (Hyperconverged autonomous organic reaction infrastructure),区块链综合自动化实验平台BiaeP (Blockchain Integrated Automatic Experiment Platform)等10种以上智能实验室架构,同时还架构了人工智能学术导师(AI-Supervisor)和材料化学科研教学元宇宙系统Mateverse。作为AI机器人技术和化学材料领域交叉学科的专家,出版了全球首部论述AI机器人技术在材料科学中应用的技术原理和场景分析的著作<AI and Robotic Technology in Materials and Chemistry Research, ISBN: 978-3-527-35428-3>。

  1. Gao, Y.; Lin, H.; Zhu, X. General Aqueous System Simulation through an AI-Embedded Metaverse Chemistry Laboratory. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2024, 15, 5978-5984.
  2. Zhu, X. Toward the Uniform of Chemical Theory, Simulation, and Experiments in Metaverse Technology. Precision Chemistry 2023, 1 (4), 192-198.
  3. Xu, Y.; Ye, S.; Zhu, X. The ScholarNet and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Supervisor in Material Science Research. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2023, 14 (36), 7981-7991.
  4. Liu, R.; Li, J.; Xiao, S.; Zhang, D.; He, T.; Cheng, J.; Zhu, X. Authentic Intelligent Machine for Scaling Driven Discovery: A Case for Chiral Quantum Dots. ACS Nano 2022, 16 (1), 1600-1611.
  5. Lin, H.; Ye, S.; Zhu, X. Geometry Orbital of Deep Learning (GOODLE): A uniform carbon potential. Carbon 2022, 186, 313-319.
  6. Gao, Y.; Lu, Y.; Zhu, X. Mateverse, the future materials science computation platform based on metaverse. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2022, 14 (1), 148-157.
  7. Liu, R.; Zhu, X. Essentiality of the Basis Function in Deep Learning Physical Chemistry Properties. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2021, 12 (27), 6330-6335.
  8. Lu, Y.; Xu, Y.; Zhu, X. Designing and Implementing VR2E2C, a Virtual Reality Remote Education for Experimental Chemistry System. Journal of Chemical Education 2021, 98 (8), 2720-2725.
  9. Li, J.; Tu, Y.; Liu, R.; Lu, Y.; Zhu, X. Toward “on‐demand” materials synthesis and scientific discovery through intelligent robots. Advanced Science 2020, 7 (7), 1901957.
  10. Li, J.; Li, J.; Liu, R.; Tu, Y.; Li, Y.; Cheng, J.; He, T.; Zhu, X. Autonomous discovery of optically active chiral inorganic perovskite nanocrystals through an intelligent cloud lab. Nature communications 2020, 11 (1), 2046.