朱建博士是香港中文大学(深圳)理工学院副教授,是深圳市人工智能与机器人研究院的兼职研究员。在此之前,他在新加坡国立大学任职助理教授。朱建博士于2008年在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学获得博士学位,并获得了加拿大NSERC(Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada)博士后奖学金。朱建博士随后在哈佛大学从事博士后,研究方向是人工肌肉的力学分析。朱建博士是IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters的副编辑(Associate Editor),IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics的客座编辑(Guest Editor),SPIE EAPAD (Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices) conference大会委员会委员。他的研究兴趣在于软体智能机器人、仿生机器人及智能材料和结构。朱建博士2021年两次入选“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单”-“年度科学影响力排行榜”(斯坦福大学根据Elsevier数据发布)。2022年入选了“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单”-“年度科学影响力排行榜”和“终身科学影响力排行榜”。朱建博士关于软体驱动器的工作被评为《中国科学:技术科学》2021高影响力论文。
*: 通讯作者
- Wang, Y.Z., Zhang, P.P., Huang, H. (*), and Zhu, J. (*), Bio-inspired transparent soft jellyfish robot, Soft Robotics, Accepted.
- Wang, Y.Z. (*), Li, P.C., Gupta, U., Ouyang, J.Y. (*), and Zhu, J. (*), Tunable Soft Lens of Large Focal Length Change,Soft Robotics 9, 705-712,2022.
- Li, J.S., Godaba, H., Zhu, J. (*), Paper-based origami transducer capable of both sensing and actuation, Extreme Mechanics Letters 49, 101507, 2021.
- Li, P.C., Wang, Y.Z., Gupta, U., Liu, J., Zhang, L., Du, D.H., Foo, C.C., Ouyang, J.Y. (*), and Zhu, J. (*), Transparent soft robots for effective camouflage, Advanced Functional Materials, 1901908, 2019.
- Godaba, H., Zhang, Z., Gupta, U., Foo, C.C., Zhu, J. (*), Instabilities in dielectric elastomers: buckling, wrinkling, and crumpling, Soft Matter 15, 7137-7144, 2019. (This paper was selected as the inside front cover).
- Qin, L., Liang, X.Q., Huang, H., Chui, C.K., Yeow, R.C.H. (*), and Zhu, J. (*), A versatile soft crawling robot with rapid locomotion, Soft Robotics 6,455-467,2019.
- Li, L., Godaba, H., Ren, H.L., and Zhu, J. (*), Bioinspired Soft Actuators for Eyeball Motions in Humanoid Robots, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 24, 100-108, 2018.
- Gupta, U., Wang, Y.Z., Ren, H.L. (*), and Zhu, J. (*), Dynamic modeling and feedforward control of jaw movements driven by viscoelastic artificial muscles, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 24, 25-35, 2018.
- Li, J., Godaba, H., Zhang, Z., Foo, C.C., Zhu, J. (*), A soft active origami robot, Extreme Mechanics Letters 24, 30-37, 2018. The robot was featured by Thomson Reuters
- Cao, J.W., Qin, L., Liu, J., Ren, Q.Y., Foo, C.C., Wang, H.,Q., Lee, H.P., and Zhu, J. (*), Untethered soft robot capable of stable locomotion using soft electrostatic actuators, Extreme Mechanics Letters 21, 9-16, 2018. This robot was featured by Nature Electronics (Rich, Wood, Majidi, Untethered Soft Robotics, Nature Electronics, Vol 1, 102-112, 2018).
- Wang, Y.Z., Zhu, J. (*), Artificial muscles for jaw movements, Extreme Mechanics Letters 6, 88-95, 2016. This paper was featured by Materials today 19, 188, 2016, http://www.materialstoday.com/biomaterials/news/artificial-muscles-for-robotic-jaws/.
- Kollosche, M., Kofod G., Suo, Z.G., and Zhu, J.(*), Temporal evolution and instability in a viscoelastic dielectric elastomer, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 76, 47–64, 2015.
- Luo, Z., Xu, Z.P., Li, J.S., Zhu, J. (*), Bioinspired antagonist–agonist artificial muscles for humanoid eyeball motions, IROS 2022.
- Li, L., Wang, H., and Zhu, J. (*), Modeling of viscoelastic dielectric elastomer actuators based on the sparse identification method, ICRA 2022.
- Cao, J.W., Liang, W.Y., Ren, Q.Y., Gupta, U., Chen, F.F., Zhu, J. (*), Modelling and Control of a Novel Soft Crawling Robot based on a Dielectric Elastomer Actuator, ICRA 2018.
- Tang, Y.C., Qin, L., Li, X.N., Chew, C.M., and Zhu, J. (*), A Frog-inspired Swimming Robot Based on Dielectric Elastomer Actuators, IROS 2017.
- Godaba, H., Li, J.S., Wang, Y.Z., Zhu, J. (*), A soft jellyfish robot driven by a dielectric elastomer actuator, ICRA 2016. This paper was also published in IEEE Robotics and Automation letters 1, 624-631, 2016.