





张博士于2014年获得上海交通大学信息工程学士学位,并于2018年获得香港中文大学电子工程博士学位,师从曾汉奇教授。她继续在香港中文大学担任博士后研究员,先后获得香港博士后枢纽-创新及科技基金(PH-ITF)奖学金和香港研究资助局博士后研究奖学金资助,直至2022年。之后,她加入了马克斯-普朗克光科学研究所Pascal Del'Haye博士的研究小组,担任博士后研究员至2024年1月。


1. 硅光子学、集成非线性光子学、量子光子学、光通信、光传感和光神经网络

2. 将二维(2D)材料集成到集成平台上

3. 应用于高精度光谱学和微波发生的片上宽带频率梳,以及用于随机数生成、隔离器、存储器和陀螺仪的对称破缺技术

张博士已在Nature CommunicationsLaser & Photonics ReviewsACS PhotonicsOptics ExpressApplied Physics Letters等杂志上发表了13篇第一作者论文,以及8篇会议论文,包括1篇post-deadline论文。


部分学术著作(共同一作, *通讯作者)

  1. Y. Zhang, S. Zhang†,*, T. Bi, and P. Del’Haye*, “Geometry optimization for dark soliton combs in thin multimode silicon nitride microresonators,” Optics Express 31, 41420-41427 (2023).
  2. Y. Zhang†,*, K. Zhong, and H. K. Tsang*, “Compact multimode silicon racetrack resonators for high-efficiency tunable Raman lasers,” Applied Physics Letters 122, 081101 (2023).
  3. Y. Zhang†,*, K. Zhong, and H. K. Tsang*, “Broadband high-Q multimode silicon concentric racetrack resonators for widely tunable Raman lasers,” Nature Communications 13, 1-8 (2022).
  4. Y. Zhang*, K. Zhong, W. Zhou, and H. K. Tsang*, “Low-threshold continuous-wave anti-Stokes Raman lasing in silicon racetrack resonators,” ACS Photonics 8, 3462–3468 (2021).
  5. Y. Zhang†,*, R. R. Kumar, K. Zhong, and H. K. Tsang, “Near-infrared frequency comb generation from a silicon microresonator,” Journal of Optics 23, 10LT02 (2021).
  6. Y. Zhang†,*, G. Hu, K. Zhong, W. Zhou, and H. K. Tsang*, “Investigation of low-power comb generation in silicon microresonators from dual pumps,” Journal of Optics 23, 10LT03 (2021).
  7. Y. Zhang, K. Zhong, and H. K. Tsang*, “Raman lasing in multimode silicon racetrack resonators,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2000336 (2020).
  8. Y. Zhang, K. Zhong, G. Hu, D. Yi, R. R. Kumar, and H. K. Tsang*, “Sub-milliwatt optical frequency combs in dual-pumped high-Q multimode silicon resonators,” Applied Physics Letters 117, 221103 (2020).
  9. Y. Zhang, Y. Yao, D. Yi, and H. K. Tsang*, “Radiation pressure and electrostriction induced enhancement for Kerr-like nonlinearities in a nanoscale silicon pedestal waveguide,” Journal of Optics 22, 055502 (2020).
  10. Y. Zhang, L. Tao, D. Yi, J. B. Xu, and H. K. Tsang*, “Enhanced thermo-optic nonlinearities in a MoS2-on-silicon microring resonator,” Applied Physics Express 13, 022004 (2020).
  11. Y. Zhang, L. Tao, D. Yi, J. B. Xu, and H. K. Tsang*, “Enhanced four-wave mixing with MoS2 on a silicon waveguide,” Journal of Optics 22, 025503 (2020). (Selected as Editor's Choice)
  12. Y. Zhang, L. Wang, Z. Cheng, and H. K. Tsang*, “Forward stimulated Brillouin scattering in silicon microring resonators,” Applied Physics Letters 111, 041104 (2017).
  13. Y. Zhang, Z. Cheng, L. Liu, B. Zhu, J. Wang, W. Zhou, X. Wu, and H. K. Tsang*, “Enhancement of self-phase modulation induced spectral broadening in silicon suspended membrane waveguides,” Journal of Optics 18, 055503 (2016).