张博士于2014年获得上海交通大学信息工程学士学位,并于2018年获得香港中文大学电子工程博士学位,师从曾汉奇教授。她继续在香港中文大学担任博士后研究员,先后获得香港博士后枢纽-创新及科技基金(PH-ITF)奖学金和香港研究资助局博士后研究奖学金资助,直至2022年。之后,她加入了马克斯-普朗克光科学研究所Pascal Del'Haye博士的研究小组,担任博士后研究员至2024年1月。
1. 硅光子学、集成非线性光子学、量子光子学、光通信、光传感和光神经网络
2. 将二维(2D)材料集成到集成平台上
3. 应用于高精度光谱学和微波发生的片上宽带频率梳,以及用于随机数生成、隔离器、存储器和陀螺仪的对称破缺技术
张博士已在Nature Communications、Laser & Photonics Reviews、ACS Photonics、Optics Express、Applied Physics Letters等杂志上发表了13篇第一作者论文,以及8篇会议论文,包括1篇post-deadline论文。
部分学术著作(†共同一作, *通讯作者)
- Y. Zhang†, S. Zhang†,*, T. Bi, and P. Del’Haye*, “Geometry optimization for dark soliton combs in thin multimode silicon nitride microresonators,” Optics Express 31, 41420-41427 (2023).
- Y. Zhang†,*, K. Zhong†, and H. K. Tsang*, “Compact multimode silicon racetrack resonators for high-efficiency tunable Raman lasers,” Applied Physics Letters 122, 081101 (2023).
- Y. Zhang†,*, K. Zhong†, and H. K. Tsang*, “Broadband high-Q multimode silicon concentric racetrack resonators for widely tunable Raman lasers,” Nature Communications 13, 1-8 (2022).
- Y. Zhang*, K. Zhong, W. Zhou, and H. K. Tsang*, “Low-threshold continuous-wave anti-Stokes Raman lasing in silicon racetrack resonators,” ACS Photonics 8, 3462–3468 (2021).
- Y. Zhang†,*, R. R. Kumar†, K. Zhong, and H. K. Tsang, “Near-infrared frequency comb generation from a silicon microresonator,” Journal of Optics 23, 10LT02 (2021).
- Y. Zhang†,*, G. Hu†, K. Zhong†, W. Zhou, and H. K. Tsang*, “Investigation of low-power comb generation in silicon microresonators from dual pumps,” Journal of Optics 23, 10LT03 (2021).
- Y. Zhang, K. Zhong, and H. K. Tsang*, “Raman lasing in multimode silicon racetrack resonators,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2000336 (2020).
- Y. Zhang, K. Zhong, G. Hu, D. Yi, R. R. Kumar, and H. K. Tsang*, “Sub-milliwatt optical frequency combs in dual-pumped high-Q multimode silicon resonators,” Applied Physics Letters 117, 221103 (2020).
- Y. Zhang, Y. Yao, D. Yi, and H. K. Tsang*, “Radiation pressure and electrostriction induced enhancement for Kerr-like nonlinearities in a nanoscale silicon pedestal waveguide,” Journal of Optics 22, 055502 (2020).
- Y. Zhang, L. Tao, D. Yi, J. B. Xu, and H. K. Tsang*, “Enhanced thermo-optic nonlinearities in a MoS2-on-silicon microring resonator,” Applied Physics Express 13, 022004 (2020).
- Y. Zhang, L. Tao, D. Yi, J. B. Xu, and H. K. Tsang*, “Enhanced four-wave mixing with MoS2 on a silicon waveguide,” Journal of Optics 22, 025503 (2020). (Selected as Editor's Choice)
- Y. Zhang, L. Wang, Z. Cheng, and H. K. Tsang*, “Forward stimulated Brillouin scattering in silicon microring resonators,” Applied Physics Letters 111, 041104 (2017).
- Y. Zhang, Z. Cheng, L. Liu, B. Zhu, J. Wang, W. Zhou, X. Wu, and H. K. Tsang*, “Enhancement of self-phase modulation induced spectral broadening in silicon suspended membrane waveguides,” Journal of Optics 18, 055503 (2016).