王学锋教授于2019年8月加入香港中文大学(深圳)。在此之前,他在杜兰大学工作了26年,2016-2019年在南方科技大学任职。他一直从事教学工作,从大一微积分到博士生专题课程。王学锋教授的研究领域是偏微分方程(PDE)。他的一些研究课题旨在通过典范的例子在简洁的框架下发现新的数学现象,提供新的视角,展示新的方法。 其它的课题(例如大范围分支理论和Krein-Rutman理论)是为分析应用中出现的日益复杂的PDE模型提供通用的、易操作的工具。
1. On concentration of positive bound states of nonlinear Schrödinger equations, Communications in Mathematical Physics 153 (1993), 229-244
2. On the Cauchy problem for reaction-diffusion equations, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 337 (1993), 549-589.
3. On the stability and instability of positive steady states of a semilinear heat equation in Rn (with C. Gui and W.-M. Ni), Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. XLV (1992), 1153-1181
4. Traveling waves in a convolution model for phase transitions (with P. Bates, P. Fife and X. Ren), Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 138 (1997), 105-136
5. Qualitative behavior of solutions of a chemotactic diffusion system: Effects of motility and chemotaxis and dynamics, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 31 (2000), 535-560.
6. On global bifurcation for quasilinear elliptic systems on bounded domains(with J. Shi), Journal of Differential Equations 246 (2009), 2788-2812
7. Effective boundary conditions resulting from anisotropic and optimally aligned coatings: the two dimensional case (with Xinfu Chen & Cody Pond), Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 206 (2012), pp. 911-951
8. Spiky and transition layer steady states of chemotaxis systems via global bifurcation method and Helly's compactness theorem (with Qian Xu), Journal of Mathematical Biology (2013), no. 6, 1241–1266.
9. On eigenvalue problems arising from nonlocal diffusion models (with Fang Li and Jerome Coville ), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 37(2017) , 879–903.
10. Using effective boundary conditions to model fast diffusion on a road in a large field (with Huicong Li),Nonlinearity, 30 (2017), 3853-3894.