



学士(浙江大学 电气学院&竺可桢学院)


刘寻博士,现任香港中文大学(深圳)助理教授,博士生导师,校长青年学者。分别于2011年和2017年在浙江大学和香港科技大学获得本科和博士学位。在集成电路设计领域期刊和会议上共发表学术论文13篇,其中以第一作者身份发表论文8篇,包括集成电路设计领域最高级别期刊IEEE JSSC论文2篇和被誉为“芯片奥林匹克”IEEE ISSCC论文1篇。担任集成电路设计领域顶级会议IEEE ISSCC的技术委员会成员,是目前电源管理子委员会中最年轻的成员;担任JSSC、TPEL、TCAS I&II等多个知名期刊审稿人。2020年,获美国高通公司专利奖;2017年,于ASP-DAC获颁University LSI Design Contest Special Feature Award(唯二篇)。

刘寻博士在美国高通公司工作期间,作为核心技术成员研发三代高带宽包络跟踪电源调制器系列产品 “QET5100:4G包络跟踪器”、“QET6100:5G-100MHz包络跟踪器”和“QET7100:多PA,4G/5G-100MHz包络跟踪器”,是高通5G平台骁龙X55、X65、X70的核心芯片,出货量超过十亿片。


  1. Xun Liu, H. Zhang, P. K. T. Mok, H. C. Luong, "A Multi-Loop-Controlled AC-Coupling Supply Modulator With a Mode-Switching CMOS PA in an EER System With Envelope Shaping", IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 1553-1563, June 2019.
  2. Xun Liu, C. Huang and P. K. T. Mok, "A High-Frequency 3-Level Buck Converter with Real-Time Calibration and Wide Output Range for Fast-DVS," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 582-595, Feb. 2018.
  3. Xun Liu, H. Zhang, M. Zhao, X. Chen, P. K. T. Mok and H. C. Luong, "A 2.4V 23.9dBm 35.7%-PAE -32.1dBc-ACLR LTE-20MHz Envelope-Shaping-and-Tracking System with a Multiloop-Controlled AC-Coupling Supply Modulator and a Mode-Switching PA," in IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San Francisco, USA, Feb. 2017, pp. 38-39.
  4. Xun Liu, C. Huang and P. K. T. Mok, "A 50MHz 5V 3W 90% Efficiency 3-Level Buck Converter with Real-Time Calibration and Wide Output Range for Fast-DVS in 65nm CMOS," in IEEE Symposium of VLSI Circuits (VLSIC), Honolulu, USA, Jun. 2016.
  5. Xun Liu, P. K. T. Mok, J. Jiang and W.-H. Ki, "Analysis and Design Considerations of Integrated 3-Level Buck Converters," IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems (TCAS-I), vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 671-682, May 2016.
  6. Xun Liu, C. Huang and P. K. T. Mok, "Dynamic Performance Analysis of 3-level Integrated Buck Converters", in IEEE ISCAS, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2015, pp. 2093-2096.
  7. Xun Liu, J. Jiang, P. K. T. Mok and W.-H. Ki, "Methods for Measuring Loop-Gain Function of High-Frequency DC-DC Converters," in IEEE APCCAS, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 2016, pp. 247-249.
  8. S. H. Wu, Xun Liu, Q. Wan, Q. Kuai, Y.-K. Teh, P. K. T. Mok, "A 0.3-V Ultralow-Supply- Voltage Boost Converter for Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting with Time-Domain-Based MPPT", in IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSCL), in revision.
  9. J. Jiang, Xun Liu, W. H. Ki, P. K. T. Mok and Y. Lu, "A Multi-Phase Switched-Capacitor Converter for Fully Integrated AMLED Micro Display System," in IEEE Trans. Power Electronics (T-PEL), vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 6001-6011, Jun. 2020.
  10. J. Jiang, Xun Liu, C. Huang, W. H. Ki, P. K. T. Mok and Y. Lu, "Subtraction-Mode Switched-Capacitor Converters With Parasitic Loss Reduction," in IEEE Trans. Power Electronics (T-PEL), vol.35, no. 2, pp. 1200-1204, Feb. 2020.
  11. J. Jiang, Xun Liu, W. H. Ki, P. K. T. Mok and Y. Lu, "Circuit Techniques for High Efficiency Fully-Integrated Switched-Capacitor Converters," in IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems II (TCAS-II), vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 556-561, Feb. 2021. (Invited paper)
  12. J. Jiang, Y. Lu, Xun Liu, W. H. Ki, P. K. T. Mok, S. P. U and R. P. Martins, "A Dual-Output SC Converter with Dynamic Power Allocation for Multi-Core Application Processors," in IEEE Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC), Jan. 2018, pp. 285-286.