






  1. The unitary dual of the universal covering group of GL(n;R), Duke Mathematical Journal 61 (1990), 705-745.
  2. Metaplectic correspondences and unitary representations, Compositio Mathematica 80 (1991), 309-322.
  3. Intertwining dierential operators and irreducibility of generalized Verma modules, Mathematsche Annalen 297 (1993), 309-324.
  4. Minimal representations, shared orbits and dual pair correspon-dences, International Mathematics Research Notices 1995, No.6, 309-323.
  5. Dimensions of spaces of generalised spherical functions, American Journal of Mathematics 118 (1996), 637-652. (with T. Oshima and N. Wallach)
  6. New dual pair correspondences, Duke Mathematical Journal 82 (1996), 447-471. (with P. Pandzic and G. Savin)
  7. Harmonic analysis on compact polar spaces, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 175 (1996), 553-569.
  8. Plancherel formulae for non-symmetric polar spaces, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 176 (1996), 345-356.
  9. On certain small representations of indefinite orthogonal groups, Representation Theory 1 (1997), 190-206. (with C.-B. Zhu)
  10. Kazhdan/Patterson lifting for GL(n;R), Duke Mathematical Journal 89 (1997), 423-444. (with J. Adams)
  11. Functions on the model orbit in E8, Representation Theory 2 (1998), 224-263. (with J. Adams and D. Vogan)
  12. Unipotent representations of G2 arising from the minimal representation of DE 4 , J. reine angew. Math. (Crelle's Journal) 500 (1998), 65-81. (with K. Maggard and G. Savin)
  13. Unipotent representations attached to spherical nilpotent orbits, American Journal of Mathematics 121 (1999), 497-517. (with J.-S. Li)
  14. Admissible square quadruplets and semisimple symmetric spaces, Advances in Mathematics 165 (2002), 101-123.
  15. Dirac cohomology, unitary representations and a proof of a conjecture of Vogan, Journal of American Mathematical Society 15 (2002), 185-202. (With P. Pandzic)
  16. Generalized spherical functions on p-adic reductive groups, Transactions of American Mathematical Society 357 (2005), 2081-2117. (With M. Tadic)
  17. Dirac cohomology for Lie Superalgebras, Transformation Groups 10 (2005), 201-209. (With P. Pandzic)
  18. Dirac operators and Lie algebra cohomology, Representation Theory 10 (2006), 299-313. (With P. Pandzic and D. Renard)
  19. Dirac cohomology of some Harish-Chandra modules, Transformation Groups 14 (2009), 163-173. (With Y. Kang and P. Pandzic)
  20. Double Vogan diagrams and semisimple symmetric spaces, Trans.Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010), 1721-1750 . (With M.-K.Chuah)
  21. Jacquet modules and Dirac cohomology, Advances in Mathematics, 226 (2011), 2911-2934. (With C.-P. Dong)
  22. Dirac cohomology and Dirac induction, Science China Mathematics 54 (2011), 2373-2381.
  23. Dirac cohomology of Wallach representations, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 250 (2011), 163-190. (With P. Pandzic and V.Protsak)
  24. Dirac cohomology of highest weight modules, Selecta Mathematica New Series, 18 (2012), 803-824. (with W. Xiao)
  25. Dirac cohomology, K-characters and branching laws, American Journal of Mathematics 135 (2013), 1253-1269. (With P. Pandzic and F. Zhu)
  26. Klein four subgroups in Lie algebra automorphisms, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 262 (2013), 397-420. (With J. Yu)
  27. Dirac cohomology of cohomologically induced modules, American Journal of Mathematics 137 (2015), 37-60. (With C.-P. Dong)
  28. Dirac cohomology, elliptic representations and endoscopy, Representation Theory of Reductive Groups, in Honor of 60th Birthday of David Vogan, Birkhauser, Progress in Mathematics, 321(2015), 241-276.
  29. Dirac cohomology and geometric quantization, J. reine angew.Math. (Crelle's Journal) 720 (2016), 33-50. (With M.-K. Chuah)
  30. On classifying unitary representations by their Dirac cohomology, Science China Mathematics 60 (2017), 1937-1962. (With P. Pandzic and D. Vogan)
  31. A Casselman-Osborne theorem for rational Cherednik algebras,Transformation Groups 23 (2018), 75-99. (With K.Y. Wong)
  32. On Borel { de Siebenthal representations, International Mathematics Research Notices 2019, 4845{4858. (With Y. Luan and B. Sun)
  33. Generalized Fourier transforms associated with the oscillator representation, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 25 (2019), 2782-2800. (With L. Zhou)
  34. Harish-Chandra orthoganality relations for admissible representations, Journal of the European Mathematical Societey, 22 (2020), 1095-1113. (With D. Milicic and B. Sun)
  35. Dirac cohomology and character lifting, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 37 (2021), 525-537.
  36. Symplectic Dirac cohomology and lifting of characters to metaplectic groups, Lie Groups, Number Theory and Vertex Operators, Contemporary Mathematics 768 (2021), 43-53.
  37. Book: Lectures on Representation Theory, 189pp, World Scientific Publisher, 1999.
  38. Book: Dirac Operators in Representation Theory, 199pp, Birkhauser book series, Mathematics: Theory and Applications, 2006. (with P. Pandzic)