Bradley J. Nelson






微机器人, 纳米机器人, 医疗机器人

Brad Nelson在机器人领域有超过35年的经验,在机器人、纳米技术和生物医学领域获得了许多奖项。他在北美、欧洲和亚洲的许多学术部门和研究所的顾问委员会任职,并在数种学术期刊的编辑委员会任职。Nelson教授自2002年以来一直担任苏黎世联邦理工学院机器人与智能系统教授,并曾担任联邦理工学院机械与工艺工程系主管、联邦理工学院电子显微镜中心主席,并在2010至2018年期间担任瑞士国家科学基金会的研究理事会成员。他是三家瑞士公司的董事会成员,并且是瑞士工程院(SATW)的成员。在移居欧洲之前,Nelson教授曾在美国霍尼韦尔公司和摩托罗拉公司担任工程师,并在非洲博茨瓦纳担任美国维和部队志愿者。他还是明尼苏达大学和芝加哥伊利诺伊大学的教授。


1. J. Cui, T-Y. Huang, L. Zhaochu, P. Testa, H. Gu, X-Z. Chen, B. J. Nelson, and L. J. Heyderman. "Nanomagnetic encoding of shape-morphing micromachines." Nature, 575, No. 7781 (2019): 164-168, November 2019.

2. J. Burri, H. Vogler, G. Munglani, N. Läubli, U. Grossniklaus, B.J. Nelson, “A Microrobotic System for Simultaneous Measurement of Turgor Pressure and Cell-Wall Elasticity of Individual Growing Plant Cells”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 4, No. 2, April 2019

3. N. Läubli, N. Shamsudhin, H. Vogler, G. Munglani, U. Grossniklaus, D. Ahmed, B.J. Nelson, “3D Manipulation and Imaging of Plant Cells using Acoustically Activated Microbubbles”, Small Methods, February 2019

4. J. T. Burri, H. Vogler, N. F. Läubli, C. Hu, U. Grossniklaus, B. J. Nelson, «Feeling the force: how pollen tubes deal with obstacles», New Phytologist, Vol. 220, 187-195, October 2018

5. C. de Marco, S. Pané, B. J. Nelson, "4D printing and robotics", Science Robotics, Vol. 3, Issue 18, eaau0449, May 2018

6. D. Ahmed, T. Baasch, N. Blondel, B.J. Nelson, J.  Dual, “Neutrophil-inspired propulsion in a combined acoustic and magnetic field”, Nature Communications, Volume: 8, 770, October, 2017

7. S. Schuerle, I. Avalos Vizcarra, J. Moeller, M. S. Sakar, B. Özkale, A. M. Lindo, F. Mushtaq, I.Schoen, S. Pané, V. Vogel, B. J. Nelson, “Robotically controlled microprey to resolve initial attack modes preceding phagocytosis”, Science Robotics, Vol. 2, eaah6094, January 2017

8. C. Hu, H. Vogler, M. Aellen, N. Shamsudhin, B. Jang, J. Burri, N. Läubli, U. Grossniklaus, S. Pané, B.J. Nelson, “High precision, localized proton gradients and fluxes generated by a microelectrode device induce differential growth behaviors of pollen tubes”, Lab on a Chip, vol. 17, pp. 671-680, January 2017

9. H.W. Huang, M.S. Sakar, A.J. Petruska, S. Pané, B.J. Nelson, "Soft Micromachines with Programmable Motility and Morphology, " Nature Communications, Vol. 7, 12263, July 2016

10. M.S Sakar, J. Eyckmans, R.S Pieters, D. Eberli, B.J Nelson, C.S. Chen, "Cellular forces and matrix assembly coordinate fibrous tissue repair", Nature Communications, Vol. 07, No. 11036, March 2016