WANG, Xiangrong
Ph.D. in Physics, University of Rochester, USA
Master of Arts in Physics, University of Rochester, USA
Bachelor in Physics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, P. R. China
Professor Wang obtained his BA degree from Wuhan University (1984) and his MS (1986) and PhD (1990) degrees from University of Rochester. He was awarded Minnesota Supercomputer Institute Fellow (1991) for post-doctoral studies at the University of Minnesota. He joined the Physics Department of HKUST in 1992 and is a full professor before joining The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Professor Wang are guest professors in various universities and institutes including Institute of Solid-State Physics, CAS, Beijing Normal University, Shandong University, Wuhan University, Xian Jiatong University, University of Electronic Science of China, and Nanchang University. He was awarded Taishan Oversea Professor in April 2010 by Shandong Provincial Government. Professor Wang was also on the Advisory Board, Division of Theoretical & Computational Physics, Institute of Physics, CAS.
Professor Wang is interested in revealing the physics principles behind the novel physics phenomena in condensed matter. Currently, he is working on the interplay of charges, spins, orbits, and photos/phonons in interesting materials and devices. One question is how the interactions of charge, spin, orbits, and photos/phonons affect spin dynamics and electron/spin transport. The current research topics include magnetic domain wall motion, topological physics, electron transport in magnetic materials such as anisotropic and unusual anisotropic magnetoresistance, charge-spin interconversion.
Journal Publications:
(1) \Search for short-lived axions in an electron-beam dump experiment", E.M. Ri-ordan et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 755-758 (1987).
(2) \Absence of h/e periodicity of the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in square metallic lattice", Y. Shapir and X.R. Wang, Europhysics Lett. 4, 1165-1170 (1987).
(3) \Interference of directed paths in disordered systems", E. Medina, M. Kardar, Y. Shapir, and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 941-944 (1989).
(4) \Analysis of multiscaling structure in di_usion-limited aggregation: a kinetic renormalization-group approach", X.R. Wang, Y. Shapir, and M. Rubinstein, Phys. Rev. A. 39, 5974-5983 (1989).
(5) \Kinetic renormalization-group approach to di_usion-limited aggregation", X.R. Wang, Y. Shapir, and M. Rubinstein, Phys. Lett. A. 138, 274-278 (1989).
(6) \Improved kinetic renormalization-group approach to di_usion-limited aggregation", X.R. Wang, Y. Shapir, and M. Rubinstein, J. Phys. A. 22, L507-512 (1989).
(7) \Scaling of the shortest path aggregation", X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. A. (Rapid Communication) 40, 6767-6770 (1989).
(8) \Magnetic _eld e_ects on strongly localized electrons", E. Medina, M. Kardar, Y. Shapir, and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1816-1819 (1990).
(9) \Exact enumeration approach to tunneling in disordered system", X.R. Wang, Y. Shapir, E. Medina, and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. B. 42, 4559-4562 (1990).
(10) \Localized electrons in a magnetic _eld", Y. Shapir and X.R. Wang, Modern Physics Lett. B 4, 1301-1334 (1990) [Brief Review].
(11) \Localized electrons on a lattice with incommensurate magnetic ux", S. Fish-man, Y. Shapir, and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 46, 12154-12164 (1992).
(12) \The universal behavior of the shortest path aggregation", X.R. Wang and X.F. Wang, Phys. Rev. A. 45, 1274-1277 (1992).
(13) \Jahn-Teller e_ect in liquids: general principles and a molecular dyna- micssimulation of the cupric ion in water", L. Curtiss, J.W. Halley, and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 2435-2438 (1992).
(14) \General theorem on the Schrodinger equation", X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. A. 46, 7295-7296 (1992).
(15) \Kinetic real-space renormalization group approach to the shortest path aggregation", X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. E. 49, 3516-3519 (1994).
(16) \Jahn-Teller e_ect of molecular complexes in liquid solutions", J.W. Halley and X.R. Wang, Modern Phys. Lett. B 8, 1319-1334 (1994) [Brief review].
(17) \Localization in fractal spaces: exact results on the Sierpinski gasket", X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 51, 9310-9313 (1995).
(18) \Asymptotic results on the product of random probability matrices", X.R.Wang, J. of Phys. A 29, 3053-3061 (1996).
(19) \Magnetic-_eld e_ects on localization in a fractal spaces", X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 53, 12035-12039 (1996).
(20) \Non-resonant electron tunneling in cluster superlattice of tellurium in zeolite", Z.K. Tang and X.R. Wang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 3449-3451 (1996).
(21) \The di_erence between random potential and random magnetic _eld localization in quasi-one-dimensional systems", W.L. Chan, X.R. Wang, and X.C. Xie, Phys. Rev. B 54, 11213-11218 (1996).
(22) \Exact e_ective-mass theory for InAs/GaAs strained coupled quantum dots", S.S. Li, J.B. Xia, Z.L. Yuan, Z.Y. Xu, W. Ge, X.R. Wang, Y. Wang, J. Wang L.L. Chang, Phys. Rev. B 54, 11575-11581 (1996).
(23) \Negative magnetoresistance in the nearest-neighbor hopping conduction", X.R. Wang and X.C. Xie, Europhysics Lett. 38, 55-60 (1997).
(24) \Pseudo hysteresis current loop and negative di_erential resistance in cluster superlattice of tellurium in zeolite", X.R. Wang, Z.K. Tang and W.K. Ge, Physica B 271, 386-395 (1999).
(25) \The level shifting induced negative magnetoresistance in the nearest-neighbor hopping conduction", X.R. Wang, S.C. Ma, and X.C. Xie, Europhysics Lett. 45, 368-373(1999).
(26) \Kosterlitz-Thouless type metal insulator transition of 2D electron gas in a random magnetic _eld", X.C. Xie, X.R. Wang, and D.Z. Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 3563-3566 (1998).
(27) \Layer-by-layer ordering of ultrathin liquid crystal _lms on the three-level Potts model", D.L. Lin, J.T. Ou, L.P. Shi, X.R. Wang, and A.J. Jin, Europhysics Lett. 50, 615-621 (2000).
(28) \Metal-insulator transition in a multilayer system with a strong magnetic _eld", X.R. Wang, C.Y. Wong and X.C. Xie, Phys. Rev. B 59, R5277-R5279 (1999)(Rapid Communication).
(29) \A general analysis of instabilities and oscillations of the sequential tunneling in superlattices", X.R. Wang and Q. Niu, Phys. Rev. B 59, R12755-R12758 (1999)(Rapid Communication).
(30) \Negative di_erential resistance and the transition to current self- oscillation in GaAs/AlAs superlattice", J.N. Wang, B.Q. Sun, X.R. Wang and H. Wang, Solid State Communications, 112, 371-374 (1999).
(31) \Dynamic dc voltage band observed within each current branch in the transition from static to dynamic electric _eld domain formation in a doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice", J.N. Wang, B.Q. Sun, X.R. Wang, Y.Q. Wang, W.K. Ge and H. Wang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 2620-2622 (1999).
(32) \An anomaly of the current self-oscillation frequency in the sequential tunneling of a doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice", X.R. Wang, J.N. Wang, B.Q. Sun, and D.S. Jiang, Phys. Rev. B 61, 7261-7264 (2000).
(33) \Magnetoresistance in arrays of _ne graphite powders with the nearest neighbor tunneling conduction", A.B. Pakhomov, X.X. Zhang, H. Liu, X.R.Wang, H.J. Huang and S.H. Yang, Physica B 279, 41-44 (2000).
(34) \Apparent anomalous prefactor enhancement for surface di_usion along steps", X.R. Wang, X.D. Xiao and Z.Y. Zhang, Surface Science Letter, 512, L361 (2002).
(35) \Static and dynamic electric _eld domain formation in a doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice", J.N. Wang, B.Q. Sun, X.R. Wang, and D.S. Jiang, Physica E 8, 141-145 (2000).
(36) \Dephasing of conduction electrons due to zero-point uctuation", X.R. Wang, G. Xiong and S.D. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 61, R5090-5092 (2000) (Rapid Communication).
(37) \Band e_ect: a possible mechanism for large magnetoresistance in non-magnetic materials", G. Xiong, S.D. Wang and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 61, 14335-14337 (2000).
(38) \Reply to comment on `Dephasing of conduction electrons due to zero-point uctuation", X.R. Wang, G. Xiong, and S.D. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 64, 117302 (2001).
(39) \Nonclassical behavior in the capacitance of a nanojunction", J.G. Hou, B. Wang, J. Yang, X.R. Wang, H.Q. Wang, Q.S. Zhu, and X.D. Xiao, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5321-5324 (2001).
(40) \Bistable characteristic and current jumps in _eld electron emission of nanocrys-talline diamond _lms", K.H. Wu, X.R. Wang, S. Liu, and E.G. Wang, J. of Appl. Phys. 90, 4810 (2001).
(41) \A metallic phase in quantum Hall systems due to inter-Landau- band mixing", G. Xiong, S.D. Wang, Q. Niu, D.C. Tian and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 216802(2001).
(42) \Negative di_erential capacitance of quantum dots", S.D. Wang, Z.Z. Sun, N. Cue, H.Q. Xu and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 65, 125307 (2002).
(43) \Anti-resonance scattering at defect levels in the quantum conductance of a one-dimensional system", X.R. Wang, Y.P. Wang and Z.Z. Sun, Phys. Rev. B 65, 193402 (2002).
(44) \Probing electron levels of a single quantum dot with photon- assisted tunneling measurements", S.D. Wang, Z.Z. Sun, N. Cue, and X.R. Wang, Physics Letters A 299, 271 (2002).
(45) \Limit cycle induced frequency locking in self-sustained current oscillations of superlattices", Z.Z. Sun, H.T. He, J.N. Wang, S.D. Wang, and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 69, 045315(2004).
(46) \Extended states in systems with odd-rank transfer matrices", S.D. Wang, Z.Z. Sun, G. Xiong, Y. Sun, and X.R. Wang, J. of Phys. A 37, 1337-1343 (2004).
(47) \Transcritical Hopf bifurcation and breathing of limit cycles in sequential tunneling of superlattices", Z.Z. Sun, K.L. Chen, Y. Sun, H.T. He, J.N. Wang, Y.Q. Wang and X.R. Wang, New J. of Phys. 6, 148 (2004).
(48) \Quantum growth of magnetic nanoplatelets of Co on Si with high blocking temperature", M.H. Pan, H. Liu, J.Z. Wang, J.F. Jia, Q.K. Xue, J.L. Li, S.Y. Qin, U.M. Mirdaidov, X.R. Wang, J.T. Market, Z.Y. Zhang, and C.K. Shih, Nano Letters, 5, 87(2005).
(49) \Deformation of limit cycle under perturbations", K.L. Chen, Z.Z. Sun, S. Yin, Y.Q. Wang, and X.R. Wang, Superlattices and Microstructures 37, 185 (2005).
(50) \Symmetrical 1_2 digital photonic splitting switch with low electrical power consumption in SiGe waveguides", B.J. Li, Y. Zhang, L.H. Teng, Y.Z. Zhao, S.J. Chua, X.R. Wang, Optics Express 13, 654 (2005).
(51) \Magnetic impurity e_ect on the entanglement in Ising model", J.P. Cao, Z.Z. Sun, S. Yin, Y.P. Wang and X.R. Wang, J. of Phys. A 38, 2579 (2005).
(52) \Entanglement in the XY spin chain with nonuniform external magnetic _elds", J.P. Cao, Z.Z. Sun, S. Yin, Y.P. Wang and X.R. Wang, International Journals of Quantum Information 3, 569-577(2005).
(53) \Magnetocohesive force of a ferromagnetic quantum point contact", Y.X. Li, K. Xia, and X.R. Wang, Europhysics Lett. 70, 244 (2005).
(54) \Fast magnetization switching of Stoner particles: A nonlinear dynamics picture", Z.Z. Sun and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 71, 174430 (2005).
(55) \Generation of electron entanglement in quantum dot systems", S. Yin, Q.F. Sun, Z.Z. Sun and X.R. Wang, J. of Phys.: Condensed Matter 17, L183 (2005).
(56) \Limit cycle theory of self-sustained current oscillations in sequential tunneling of superlattices", Z.Z. Sun, S.D. Wang, S.Q. Duan, and X.R. Wang, Superlattices and Microstructures 38, 142 (2005).
(57) \Absence of conductance in a double-chain tight-binding model for DNA with random sequence of nucleotides", G. Xiong and X.R. Wang, Phys. Lett. A 344, 64-70 (2005).
(58) \Spin relaxation and decoherence of two-level systems", X.R. Wang, Y.S. Zheng, and S. Yin, Phys. Rev. B 72, R121303 (2005) (Rapid Communication).
(59) \Self-sustained current oscillations in superlattices and the van der Pol equation", Z.Z. Sun, Y. Sun, X.R. Wang, J.P. Cao, Y.P. Wang, and Y.Q. Wang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 182110 (2005).
(60) \External ac-signal-controlled dynamics of electric _eld domains in a GaAs/AlAs superlattice", H.T. He, Z.Z. Sun, X.R. Wang, Y.Q. Wang, W.K. Ge, and J.N. Wang, Solid State Communications, 136, 572-575 (2005).
(61) \Quantum phase transitions in a spin ladder with long-range couplings", J. Cao, G. Xiong, X.C. Xie, X.R. Wang, and Y. Wang, Nuclear Physics B 731, 352-359 (2005).
(62) \Strategy to reduce minimal magnetization switching _eld for Stoner particles", Z.Z. Sun and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 73, 092416 (2006); cond-mat/0511135.
(63) \Possible existence of a band of extended states induced by inter-Landau-band mixing in a quantum Hall system", G. Xiong, S.D. Wang, Q. Niu, Y.P. Wang, X.C. Xie, D.C. Tian, and X.R.Wang, J. of Phys.: Condensed Matter 18, 2029-2055 (2006); cond-mat/0305011 (2003).
(64) \Explanation to the resistance anomaly observed in nanowires", S. Yin, Z. Z. Sun, J. Lu, and X. R. Wang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 233110 (2006).
(65) \A direct calculation of critical exponents of two-dimensional anisotropic Ising model", G. Xiong and X.R. Wang, Communication in Theoretical Phys. 45, 932 (2006).
(66) \Magnetization reversal of Stoner particles", X. R. Wang and Z.Z. Sun, Wuli 35, 469 (2006).
(67) \Theoretical limit of the minimal magnetization switching _eld and the optimal_eld pulse for Stoner particles", Z.Z. Sun and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 077205 (2006).
(68) \Magnetization reversal through synchronization with a microwave", Z.Z. Sun and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 74, 132401 (2006); cond-mat/0604013.
(69) \Quantum phase transition and entanglement in the transverse-_eld Ising model", J.P. Cao, G. Xiong, Y.P. Wang and X.R. Wang, International Journals of Quantum Information 4, 705-713(2006).
(70) \Proximity and anomalous _eld-e_ect characteristics in double-wall carbon nanotubes", Jie Lu, L. M. Peng, Sun Yin, Z. Z. Sun, and X. R. Wang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 052109, (2007); cond-mat/0603577.
(71) \Theoretical limit in the magnetization reversal of Stoner particles", X.R. Wang and Z.Z. Sun, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 077201 (2007).
(72) \Microwave-assisted magnetization switching of Ni80Fe20 in magnetic tunnel junctions", T. Moriyama, R. Cao, J.Q. Xiao, J. Lu, X.R. Wang, Q. Wen, and H.W. Zhang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 152503 (2007).
(73) \Microstructure, magnetic, and spin-dependent transport properties of (Zn,Cr)Telms fabricated by magnetron sputtering", W.G. Wang, K.J. Yee, D.H. Kim, K.J. Han, X.R. Wang, C. Ni, T. Moriyama, A. Mathew, R. Opila, T. Zhu, and J.Q. Xiao, Phys. Rev. B 77, 155207 (2008).
(74) \A possible uni_ed picture for both scaling and non-scaling plateau-to-plateau transitions in quantum Hall systems", G. Xiong, S.D. Wang, Q. Niu, Y.P. Wang, and X.R. Wang, Europhysics Letters 82, 47008 (2008).
(75) \Light Emitting Diodes of Inverse Spin Valves", X.R. Wang, Research Letters in Physics, 2008, Article ID 434936 (2008).
(76) \Euler equation of the optimal trajectory for the fastest magnetization reversal of nano-magnetic structures", X.R. Wang P. Yan, J. Lu and C. He, Europhysics Letters 84, 27008 (2008).
(77) \Quantum blockades and loop currents in graphene with topological defects", Y.Y. Zhang, J.P. Hu, B.A. Bernevig, X.R. Wang, X.C. Xie, and W.M. Liu, Phys. Rev. B 78, 155413 (2008).
(78) \Negative di_erential resistance and tunable peak-to-valley ratios in a silicon nanochain", Z.Z. Sun, X.R. Wang, R.Q. Zhang, and S.T. Lee, J. of Appl. Phys. 103, 103719 (2008).
(79) \Resonance and antiresonance e_ects in electronic transport through several-quantum-dot combinations", Z.Z. Sun, R.Q. Zhang, W. Fan, and X.R. Wang, J. of Appl. Phys. 105, 043706 (2009).
(80) \Shape of disorder broadened Landau subbands in graphene", W. Zhu, Q.W. Shi, X.R. Wang, J. Chen, J.L. Yang, and J.G. Hou, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 056803 (2009).
(81) \Inverse Square-Root Field Dependence of Conductivity in Organic Field-E_ect Transistors", J.H. Wei, Y.L. Gao and X.R. Wang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 073301 (2009).
(82) \Localization and Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in disordered graphene", Y.Y. Zhang, J.P. Hu, B.A. Bernevig, X.R. Wang, X.C. Xie, and W. M. Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 106401 (2009).
(83) \Magnetization reversal of single domain permalloy nanowires", Jie Lu and X.R. Wang, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321, 2916 (2009).
(84) \Magnetic _eld driven domain wall propagation in magnetic nanowires", X.R. Wang, P. Yan, J. Lu, and C. He, Annals of Physics 324, 1815 (2009).
(85) \High _eld domain wall propagation velocity in magnetic nanowires", X.R. Wang, P. Yan, and J. Lu, Europhysics Letters 86, 67001 (2009).
(86) \Domain wall propagation due to the synchronization with circularly polarized microwaves", P. Yan and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 80, 214426 (2009).
(87) \Optimal time-dependent current pattern for domain wall dynamics in nanowires", P. Yan and X.R. Wang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 162506 (2010).
(88) \Motion of transverse domain walls in thin magnetic nanostripes under transverse magnetic _elds", J. Lu and X.R. Wang, J. Appl. Phys. 107, 083915 (2010).
(89) \Ferromagnetic insulator induced by Peierls instability at orbital order transition", J.H. Wei, D. Hou and X.R. Wang, New J. of Phys. 12, 053021 (2010).
(90) \Screw-pitch e_ect and velocity oscillation of a domain wall in a ferromagnetic nanowire driven by spin-polarized current", Z.D. Li, Q.Y. Li, X.R. Wang, W.M. Liu, J.Q. Liang and G. Fu, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 216001 (2010).
(91) \Analysis of magnetic property measurements in ultrafast magnetization dynamics", X.R. Wang, Modern Physics Letters B 24(21), 22152224 (2010).
(92) \Comment on \Interaction-induced shift of the cyclotron resonance of graphene using infrared spectroscopy", W. Zhu, Q.W. Shi, J.G. Hou, and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 159703 (2010).
(93) \Evaluation of the Green's function of disordered graphene", W. Zhu, Q.W. Shi, X.R. Wang, X.P. Wang J.L. Yang, J. Chen, and J.G. Hou, Phys. Rev. B bf 82, 153405 (2010); arXiv:1005.3592.
(94) \Optimal spin current pattern for fast domain wall propagation in nanowires", P. Yan, Z.Z. Sun, J. Schliemann and X.R. Wang, Europhysics Letters 92, 27004 (2010).
(95) \Current-induced domain wall motion with adiabatic and nonadiabatic spin torques in magnetic nanowires", Z.Z. Sun, P. Yan, J. Schliemann and X.R. Wang, European Physical Journal B 79, 449-453 (2011).
(96) \A theory for magnetic-_eld e_ects of nonmagnetic organic semiconducting materials", X.R. Wang and S.J. Xie, Europhysics Letters 92, 57013 (2010).
(97) \Shape of the Landau subbands in disordered graphene", W. Zhu, H.Y. Yuan, Q.W. Shi, G. Hou, and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 83, 153408 (2011).
(98) \Quantum spinon oscillations in a _nite one-dimensional transverse Ising model", Zi Cai, Lei Wang, X.C. Xie, U. Schollwock, X.R. Wang, M. Di Ventra, and Yupeng Wang Phys. Rev. B 83, 155119 (2011).
(99) \Spin transfer torque enhancement in dual spin valves in the ballistic regime", P. Yan, Z.Z. Sun, and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 83, 174430 (2011).
(100) \All-magnonic spin-transfer torque and domain wall propagation", P. Yan, X.S. Wang and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 177207 (2011).
(101) \Topological transition of graphene from quantum Hall metal to quantum Hall insulator at _ = 0", W. Zhu, H.Y. Yuan, Q.W. Shi, J.G. Hou and X.R. Wang, New J. of Physics 13, 113008 (2011).
(102) \Vacancy-induced splitting of the Dirac nodal point in graphene", W. Zhu, W. Li, Q.W. Shi, X.R. Wang, J.L. Yang, and J.G. Hou, Phys. Rev. B 85, 073407 (2012).
(103) \Domain wall propagation through spin wave emission", X.S. Wang, P. Yan, Y.H. Shen, G.E.W. Bauer, and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 167209 (2012).
(104) \Self-sustained current oscillations in spin-blockaded quantum dots", B. Hu and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 87, 035311 (2013).
(105) \Temperature e_ect on spin relaxation in organic semiconductors", S. Yin, S.J. Xie, K. Gao, and X.R. Wang, SYNTHETIC METALS 165, 35-39 (2013).
(106) \Instability of Walker Propagating Domain Wall in Magnetic Nanowires", B. Hu and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 027205 (2013).
(107) \Observation of Current-Driven Oscillatory DomainWall Motion in Ni80Fe20/Co Bilayer Nanowire", W. Zhang, P.K.J.Wong, P. Yan, J.Wu, S.A. Morton, X.R.Wang, X.F. Hu, Y.B. Xu, A. Scholl, A. Young, I. Barsukov, M. Farle, and G. van der Laan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 042403 (2013).
(108) \Anti-levitation in integer quantum Hall systems", C. Wang, Y. Avishai, Y. Meir, and X.R. Wang Phys. Rev. B 89, 045314 (2014).
(109) \Domain wall pinning in notched nanowires", H.Y. Yuan and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 89, 054423 (2014).
(110) \Spin wave emission in _eld-driven domain wall motion", X.S. Wang and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 90, 184415 (2014).
(111) \Birth, growth and death of an antivortex during the propagation of a transverse domain wall in magnetic nanostrips", H.Y. Yuan and X.R. Wang, J. of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 368, 70 (2014).
(112) \Thermodynamic theory for thermal-gradient-driven domain wall motion", X.S. Wang and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 90, 014414 (2014).
(113) \A Band of Critical States in Anderson Localization at Strong Magnetic Field with Random Spin-Orbit Scattering", C. Wang, Ying Su, Y. Avishai, Y. Meir, and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 096803 (2015).
(114) \Vortex-Assisted DomainWall Depinning and Propagation in Notched Nanowires", H.Y. Yuan and X.R. Wang, The European Physical Journal B, 88, 214 (2015).
(115) \Boosting domain wall propagation by notches", H. Y. Yuan and X. R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 92, 054419 (2015).
(116) \Skyrmion creation and manipulation by nano-second current pulses", H. Y. Yuan and X. R. Wang, Scienti_c Reports 6, 22638 (2016).
(117) \Extraordinary galvanomagnetic e_ects in polycrystalline magnetic _lms", Y. Zhang, H. W. Zhang and X. R. Wang, Europhysics Letters 113, 47003 (2016).
(118) \Topological Anderson insulators in systems without time-reversal symmetry", Y. Su, Y. Avishai and X. R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 93, 214206 (2016).
(119) \Thermal spin current and spin accumulation at ferromagnetic insulator/non-magnetic metal interface", Y. H. Shen, X. S. Wang and X. R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 94, 014403 (2016).
(120) \Inuence of nonlocal damping on the _eld-driven domain wall motion", H. Y. Yuan, Zhen Yuan, Ke Xia and X. R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 94, 064415 (2016).
(121) \Absence of localization in disordered two-dimensional electron gas at weak magnetic _eld and strong spin-orbit coupling", Y. Su, C. Wang, Y. Avishai, Y. Meir, and X. R. Wang, Scienti_c Reports 6, Article number: 33304 (2016).
(122) \A room-temperature magnetic semiconductor from a ferromagnetic metallic glass", W. J. Liu, H. X. Zhang, J. A. Shi, Z. C. Wang, C. Song, X. R. Wang, S. Y. Lu, X. J. Zhou, L. Gu, D. Louzguine, M. W. Chen, Kefu Yao, and Na Chen, Nature Communications 7:13497 (2016) 10.1038/ncomms13497
(123) \Engineering of the interactions of volatile organic compounds with MoS2", X. Q. Tian, L. Liu, X. R. Wang, J. Gu, Y. D. Wei, Y. Du and B. I Yakobson, J. Mater. Chem. C 5, 1463, (2017) DOI: 10.1039/C6TC04673H
(124) \Magnon-photon coupling in antiferromagnets", H. Y. Yuan and X. R. Wang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 082403 (2017).
(125) \Dynamic magnetic susceptibility and electrical detection of ferromagnetic resonance", Y. Zhang, X.S. Wang, H.Y. Yuan, S.S. Kang, H.W. Zhang, and X.R. Wang, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29, 095806 (2017)
(126) \The origin of spin current in YIG/nonmagnetic-metal multilayers at ferro-magnetic resonance", Y. Kang, H. Zhong, R. R. Hao, S. J. Hu, S. S. Kang, G. L. Liu, Y. Zhang, X. R. Wang, S. S. Yan, Y. Wu, S. Y. Yu, G. B. Han, Y. Jiang, and L. M. Mei, Chin. Phys. B 26(4), 047202 (2017)
(127) \Topologically protected unidirectional edge spin waves and beam splitter", X.S. Wang, Ying Su, and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 95 (1), 014435 (2017)
(128) \Magnonic Weyl semimetal and chiral anomaly in pyrochlore ferromagnets", Ying Su, X.S. Wang, and X.R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 95 (22), 224403 (2017)
(129) \Large magnetoresistance in silicon at Room temperature induced by on-site Coulomb interaction", Z. C. Luo, H. G. Piao, A. V. Brooks, X. F. Wang, J. J. Chen, C. Y. Xiong, F. H. Yang, X. R. Wang, X. G. Zhang and X. Z. Zhang, Advanced Electronic Materials 1700186 (2017)
(130) \Anderson Transitions of Two-dimensional Spinful Electrons in Unitary En-semble, C. Wang and X. R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 96, 104204 (2017)
(131) \Chiral anomaly of Weyl magnons in stacked honeycomb ferromagnets, Ying Su and X. R. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 96, 104437 (2017)
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(180) \A theory of skyrmion crystal formation", X. C. Hu, H. T. Wu, and X. R. Wang, Nanoscale 14, 75167529 (2022)(inside back cover).
(181) \Anomalous inverse spin Hall e_ect in perpendicularly magnetized Co/Pd multilayers", M. Yang, B. Miao*, J. Cheng, K. He1, X. Yang, Y. Zeng, Z. Wang, L. Sun, X. R. Wang*, A. Azevedo, S. Bedanta, H. F. Ding*, Phys. Rev. B 105, 224426 (2022).
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(186) \On Universal Buttery And Antisymmetric Magnetoresistances", H. T. Wu, T. Min, Z. X. Guo,and X. R. Wang, Frontiers in Physics-Condensed Matter Physics, 10
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(190) \Topological equivalence of stripy states and skyrmion crystals", X. R. Wang, X. C. Hu, and Z. Z. Sun, Nano Letters 23, 39543962(2023).
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(193) \Controlled Growth of Semiconductor Alloy/Ferromagnetic Insulator (GeBi/Bi:Thulium Iron Garnet (TmIG)) Spin and Development of Quantum Logic Device", S. C. Liu, L. C. Jin, Qinghui Yang, X. R. Wang, Dainan Zhang*, and Huaiwu Zhang, ACS Applied Electronic Materials 5, 6, 3410 (2023).
(194) \Supermirrors and spin wave ampli_cations", X. R. Wang, X. Gong, and K. Y. Jing, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 082403 (2024).
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(196) \Highly e_cient _eld-free switching of perpendicular yttrium iron garnet with collinear spin current ", M. Yang, L. Sun, Y. Zeng, J. Cheng, K. He, X. Yang, Z. Wang, L. Yu, H. Niu, T. Ji, G. Chen, B. Miao*, X. R. Wang*, and H. F. Ding*, Nature Communications 15, 3201 (2024). 10.1038/s41467-024-47577-x
(197) \Anisotropy galvanomagnetic-e_ects in single cubic crystals: A theory and its veri_cation", Y. Miao, J. Sun, C. Gao, D. S. Xue*, and X. R. Wang*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 206701 (2024).
(198) \Wideband Coherent Microwave Conversion via Magnon Nonlinearity in Hybrid Quantum System"J. Wu, J. Liu, Z. Ren, M. Y. Leung, W. K. Leung, K. O. Ho, X. R. Wang, Q. Shao, and S. Yang, npj Spintronics (in press) (2024).