X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor
Associate Dean (External Affairs), Fellow of Academy of Engineering Singapore, IEEE Fellow, Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher
Academic Area: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Email: rzhang@cuhk.edu.cn
X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries, Fellow of Engineering Institute of Canada
Email: shipingzhu@cuhk.edu.cn
Associate Dean (Education), Presidential Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAIA Fellow
Academic Area: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Email: changtsunghui@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://myweb.cuhk.edu.cn/changtsunghui
IET Fellow, Elsevier Highly Cited Scholar of China
Academic Area: Computer Engineering, New Energy Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Email: zhaojunhua@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: http://www.zhaojunhua.org/
Presidential Fellow, IOP Fellow
Academic Area: Physics, Materials, Electrical Engineering
Email: zhouyan@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://mypage.cuhk.edu.cn/academics/aspin/
Presidential Fellow
Academic Area: Chemistry, Material, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Email: jun.zhu@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: http://junzhu.chem8.org/
Associate Professor
Academic Area: Physics, New Energy Science and Engineering
Email: zhangjianhui@cuhk.edu.cn
Associate Professor
Assistant Dean (External Affairs), Presidential Young Fellow
Academic Area: Materials
Email: qizhang@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://polysz.cuhk.edu.cn/en
Associate Professor
Presidential Young Fellow
Academic Area: Materials, Physics, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Electrical Engineering
Email: zhangzy@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://mypage.cuhk.edu.cn/academics/noel/
Associate Professor
Academic Area: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Email: zhujian@cuhk.edu.cn