X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor
Fellow of Royal Society of Canada, Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, IEEE Fellow
Academic Area: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Email: shuguangcui@cuhk.edu.cn
X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor
Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Distinguished McKnight University Professor
Academic Area: Materials, Computer Engineering
Email: davidpui@cuhk.edu.cn
X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor
Associate Dean (External Affairs), Fellow of Academy of Engineering Singapore, IEEE Fellow, Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher
Academic Area: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Email: rzhang@cuhk.edu.cn
Presidential Chair Professor
Associate Vice President (Institutional Development), IEEE Fellow, Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher
Academic Area: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, New Energy Science and Engineering
Email: jianweihuang@cuhk.edu.cn
Academic Area: Computer Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Email: clementleung@cuhk.edu.cn
Associate Dean (Education), Presidential Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAIA Fellow
Academic Area: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Email: changtsunghui@cuhk.edu.cn
IET Fellow, Elsevier Highly Cited Scholar of China
Academic Area: Computer Engineering, New Energy Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Email: zhaojunhua@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: http://www.zhaojunhua.org/
Associate Professor
Presidential Young Fellow
Academic Area: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Email: ruihuang@cuhk.edu.cn
Associate Professor
Academic Area: Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Email: simonpun@cuhk.edu.cn
Associate Professor
Academic Area: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Email: hhqian@cuhk.edu.cn