ZHU, Shiping

X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor

Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of Royal Society of Canada, Fellow of World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries, Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry,
Fellow of American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Fellow of Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China
Education Background

PhD (McMaster University)

BEng (Zhejiang University)

Research Field
Chemical engineering, polymer reaction engineering, metallocene polymerization of olefins, high-end polymer product development, controlled radical polymerization, kinetic modeling and industrial process digitalization, smart polymer innovation

Professor Zhu received B.Eng. degree from Zhejiang University in 1982 and PhD degree from McMaster University in 1991. He joined Department of Chemical Engineering and Department of Materials Science and Engineering at McMaster University in 1994 as a faculty member. He became Canada Research Chair in polymer reaction engineering in 2001. He served as Department Chair for Chemical Engineering from 2009 to 2014. He was bestowed the highest title honor of "Distinguished University Professor" at McMaster University in 2015. He received the premier award "R.S. Jane Memorial Award" from Canadian Society of Chemical Engineering in 2016. Professor Zhu joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen in 2017. He is the Presidential Chair Professor in the School of Science and Engineering, currently serving as Vice President of CUHK-Shenzhen, and Founding President for Shenzhen Institute for Advanced Polymer Materials.

Professor Zhu’s research is in the area of polymer chemical engineering, specializing polymer reaction engineering. He has made significant original contributions to metallocene solution polymerization of olefins, controlled radical polymerization, polymerization kinetic modelling and industrial process digitalization. Professor Zhu has long term devoted to teaching and research in chemical engineering and polymer science. He has trained about 160 higher degree personnel, published 400 technical papers, and received 22,000 citations with H index 85.

Professor Zhu is keen on the popularization of science. In 2019, he published "Song of Chemical Engineering". Since 2021, he has delivered the annual "First Lecture in Chemical Engineering" organized by the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China (CIESC), and has also given lectures in hundreds of high schools on "To master the arts of science and engineering, to generate the goods for common people".

Professor Zhu is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for Progress in Polymer Science, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, Macromolecular Theory and Simulation, Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, and Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering (English Edition).

Professor Zhu was elected as Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of Royal Society of Canada, Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences. He has received the National Science Fund for Overseas Distinguished Young Scholar. He was also elected as Fellow of Chemical Institute of Canada, Fellow of Engineering Institute of Canada, Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow of American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Fellow of the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China. He currently serves as a Vice President of the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China.


Academic Publications

1. C Zhang, Z Wang, H Zhu, Q Zhang, S Zhu “Dielectric gels with microphase separation for wide‐range and self‐damping pressure sensing” Advanced Materials 2024, v 36, p 2308520.

2. Y Wan, S Huang, Y Sun, H Zhu, Q Zheng, Q Zhang, S Zhu “Superstrong yet water-detachable eutectogel adhesives” Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, v 442, p 136289.

3. Y Wang, X Liang, H Zhu, JH Xin, Q Zhang, S Zhu “Reversible water transportation diode: temperature‐adaptive smart Janus textile for moisture/thermal management” Advanced Functional Materials 2020, v 30, p 1907851

4. M Li, Q Zhang, YN Zhou, S Zhu “Let spiropyran help polymers feel force” Progress in Polymer Science 2018, v 79, p 26-39.

5. P Liu, W Liu, WJ Wang, BG Li, S Zhu “A comprehensive review on controlled synthesis of long‐chain branched polyolefins” Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, Part 1: 2016, v 10, p 156-179; Part 2: 2016, v 10, p 180-200; Part 3: 2017, v 11, p 1600012.

6. Y Qian, XQ Qiu, S Zhu “Lignin: a nature-inspired sun blocker for broad-spectrum sunscreens” Green Chemistry 2015, v 17, p 320-324

7. E Mastan, S Zhu  “Modeling and theoretical development in controlled radical polymerization” Progress in Polymer Science 2015, v 45, p 71-101

8. S Zhu, AE Hamielec “Kinetic Modeling and Reaction Engineering” Chapter 4.46, in Matyjaszewski K and Möller M (eds.) Polymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference 2012, v 4, p 779-831. Amsterdam: Elsevier BV.

9. J Doggart, Y Wu, S Zhu, “Inkjet printing narrow electrodes with< 50 μ m line width and channel length for organic thin-film transistors”, Applied Physics Letters 2009, v 94, p 163503.

10. R Wang, Y Luo, BG Li, S Zhu “Control of gradient copolymer composition in ATRP using semibatch feeding policy” AIChE Journal 2007, v 53, p 174-186.

11. W Feng, S Zhu, K Ishihara, JL Brash “Adsorption of fibrinogen and lysozyme on silicon grafted with poly (2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine) via surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization”, Langmuir 2005, v 21, p 5980-5987.

12. Y Shen, S Zhu, “Continuous atom transfer radical block copolymerization of methacrylates”, AIChE Journal 2002, v 48, p 2609-2619.

13. Q Yu, F Zeng, S Zhu “Atom transfer radical polymerization of poly (ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate” Macromolecules 2001, v 34, p 1612-1618.

14. WJ Wang, S Zhu, SJ Park, “Long chain branching in ethylene/propylene solution polymerization using constrained geometry catalyst”, Macromolecules 2000, v 33, p 5770-5776.

15. S Zhu “Modeling of molecular weight development in atom transfer radical polymerization” Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 1999, v 8, p 29-37.

16. S Zhu, “Analytical functions for molecular weight and branching distributions in star-, comb-, and random-branched polymers”, Macromolecules 1998, v 31, p 7519-7527.