PUI, David You-Hong

X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor

Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Distinguished McKnight University Professor
Education Background

Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota)

M.S. (Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota)

BSME (Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota)

Research Field
Aerosol and nanoparticle science and engineering, especially particle instrumentation development and filtration solutions to air pollution control.
Academic Area
Materials, Computer Engineering

Professor Pui is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, USA, and director of the Particle Technology Laboratory, University of Minnesota. He is also the director of the Filtration Research Center, which consists of 21 leading international filtration companies. He has extensive research experience in aerosols and nanoparticles, and has published more than 300 papers and obtained more than 40 patents. He has won several awards, including the Max Planck Research Award (German national award, 1993), the Humboldt Advanced Scientist Research Award (German national award, 2000), the Fox Memorial Award (2010) - the highest award from the American, German and Japanese aerosol associations. He received his Bachelor, Master and PhD degree all from University of Minnesota. He is now the Distinguished McKnight University Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department of University of Minnesota, and also the Presidential Chair Professor in School of Science and Engineering of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.

Professor Pui's Research interest has focused on industrial applications of aerosol science & technology and nanoparticle engineering, and on developing instrumentation for generating, sampling and measuring airborne particles. Fundamental topics include aerosol charging & neutralization, aerosol sampling, transport & deposition, and air/gas/liquid filtration.


Academic Publications

Kang, S., S. C. Chen, W. T. Lai, and D. Y. H. Pui, “Measurement of Dispersity of ISO A2 Fine Dusts by Shadowgraphy Method,” Powder Technology 232:186-194 (2018).

Tang, M., D. Thompson, D.Q. Chang, S.C. Chen and D.Y.H. Pui, “Filtration Efficiency and Loading Characteristics of PM2.5 through Commercial Electret Filter Media,” Separation & Purification Technol. 195 (2018) 101-109.

Cao, Q., L. Shen, S.C. Chen and D.Y.H. Pui, “WRF Modeling of PM2.5 Remediation by SALSCS and Its Clean Air Flow over Beijing Terrain,” Science of Total Environment 626(2018)134-146.

Kim, Changhyuk., Handol Lee, Adam Juelfs, Christy L Haynes and David Y.H. Pui, “The Effect of Filtered Nanoparticles on Gas Filtration Efficiency of Granular Activated Carbons,” Carbon 121:63-71 (2017).

Lee, H., S. C. Chen, D. Segets, S. Süß, W. Peukert, D. Y.H. Pui, “Liquid Filtration of Nanoparticles through Nuclepore Filters under Unfavorable and Different Ionic Strength Conditions: Experiments and Modeling,” Journal of Membrane Science 524:682-690 (2017).

Cao, L.N.Y., S.C. Chen, H. Fissan, C. Asbach and D.Y.H. Pui, “Development of a Geometrical Surface Area Monitor (GSAM) for Aerosol Nanoparticles,” J. Aerosol Sci. 114 (2017) 118-129.

Tang, M., J. Hu, Y. Liang and D.Y.H. Pui, “Pressure Drop, Penetration and Quality Factor of Filter Paper Containing Nanofibers,” Textile Research J. 87(4):498-508 (2017).

Ou, Q., M. M. Maricq, and D.Y.H. Pui (2017).  Evaluation of Metallic Filter Media for Sub-micrometer Soot Particle Removal at Elevated Temperature,”  Aerosol Sci. Technol. 51(11):1303-1312 (2017)

Pui, D.Y.H., W. Hofinger, J. Wang, and C.J. Tsai, “On the Special Issue for the 12th World Filtration Congress,” Aerosol and Air Quality Research 17(11):2643-2644 (2017).

Chen, S.C., D. Segets, T.Y. Ling, W. Peukert, and D.Y.H. Pui, “An Experimental Study of Ultrafiltration for Sub-10 nm Quantum Dots and Sub-150 Nanoparticles through PTFE membrane and Nuclepore Filters,” J. Membrane Science 497 (2016) 153-161.

Kim, C.H., Y. Sul and David Y. H. Pui, “Real-time and Online Screening Method for Materials Emitting Volatile Organic Compounds,” J. Nanoparticle Research 18:282 (2016)

Chen, S.C., Y. Hu, D.Y.H. Pui and J. Wang, “Explicit Expressions for the Minimum Efficiency and Most Penetrating Particle Size of Nuclepore Filters,” J. Aerosol Sci. 100:108-117 (2016)

Chen, S. C., Chang, D. Q., Pei, C., Tsai, C. J., Pui, David Y.H., “Removal efficiency of bimodal PM2.5 and PM10 by respirators and engine intake filters,” Aerosol and Air Quality Research 16:1722-1729 (2016)

Kim, C.H., S. Kang, and D.Y.H. Pui, “Removal of Airborne Sub-3 nm Particles Using Fibrous Filters and Granular Activated Carbons,” Carbon 104:125-132 (2016)

Pui, D.Y.H., J. Cao, J. Mandell et al., “2nd UMN-CAS Bilateral Seminar on PM2.5 Science, Health Effects and Control Technologies, October 7-8, 2016 at 3M Innovation Center, Maplewood, MN, USA,” Particuology 27:141-143 (2016).

Chang, D. Q., S. C. Chen, D.Y.H. Pui, “Capture of Sub-500 nm Particles Using Residential Electret HVAC Filter Media-Experiments and Modeling,” Aerosol and Air Quality Research 16(12): 3349-3357 (2016).

Thompson, D., S.C. Chen, J. Wang and D.Y.H. Pui, “Aerosol Emission Monitoring and Assessment of Potential Exposure to Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes in the Manufacture of Polymer Nanocomposites,” Ann. Occup. Hyg., 2015, 1-17.

Cao, Q., D.Y.H. Pui and W. Lipinski, “A Concept of a Novel Solar-Assisted Large-Scale Cleaning System (SALSCS) for Urban Air Remediation,” Aerosol and Air Quality Research 15:1-10 (2015).

Kim, C.H. and D.Y.H. Pui, “Experimental Study on the Filtration Efficiency of Activated Carbons for 3-30 nm Particles,” Carbon 93(2015) 226-229.

Cao, L.N.Y., J. Wang, H. Fissan, S.E. Pratsinis, M.L. Eggersdorfer, and D.Y.H. Pui, “The Capacitance and Charge of Agglomerated Nanoparticles during Sintering,” J. Aerosol Sci. 83 (2015) 1-11.

Wang, J., Y.K. Bahk, S.C. Chen and D.Y.H. Pui, “Characteristics of Airborne Fractal Like Agglomerates of Carbon Nanotubes,” Carbon 93 (2015) 441-450.

Kim, C.H., Z. Zuo, H. Finger, S. Haep, C. Asbach, H. Fissan and D.Y.H. Pui, “Soft-X-ray-Assisted Detection Method for Airborne Molecular Contaminations (AMCs),” J. Nanopart. Res. (2015) 17:126-138.

Zuo, Z., T.H. Kuehn and D.Y.H. Pui, “Respirator Testing Using Virus Aerosol: Comparison between Viability Penetration and Physical Penetration,” Ann. Occup. Hyg. 2015, 1-5.

Chen, S.C., J. Wang, H. Fissan, D.Y.H. Pui, “Optimizing Filtration Experiments for Length and Fractal Dimension Characterization of Non-Spherical Particles,” Aerosol Sci. Technol. 49:547-555 (2015)

Chang, D.Q., S.C. Chen, A.R. Fox, A.S. Viner and D.Y.H. Pui, “Penetration of Sub-50 nm Nanoparticles Through Electret HVAC Filters Used in Residence,” Aerosol Sci. Technol. 49:966-976 (2015)