JI, Yao

Assistant Professor

Education Background

Ph.D. (Arizona State University, USA)

Bachelor (Xidian University)

Research Field
Theoretical physics, high-energy physics/nuclear physics
Academic Area

Yao Ji received his Bachelor’s degree from Xidian University in 2010 and his PhD in 2016 from Arizona State University, United States. Afterward, he relocated to Germany and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Regensburg, the University of Siegen, and the Technical University of Munich before joining the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, as an assistant professor in 2024.

His research interests cover formal and phenomenological aspects of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the underlying theory describing the dominant interactions among subatomic particles. More specifically, he has made theoretical contributions to hadron structures and B-meson decays. He is also interested in exploring the potential applications of quantum computing in high-energy/particle physics.

Academic Publications
  1. E. J. Gustafson, Y. Ji, H. Lamm, E. M. Murairi, S. O. Perez and S. Zhu, “Primitive quantum gates for an SU(3) discrete subgroup: Σ(36×3),” Phys. Rev. D 110, no.3, 034515 (2024)
  2. M. Beneke, Y. Ji and X. Wang, “Renormalization of the next-to-leading-power γγ→h and gg→h soft quark functions”, JHEP 05, 246 (2024)
  3. Y. Ji, A. Manashov and S. O. Moch, “On evolution kernels of twist-two operators”, Phys. Rev. D 108, no.5, 054009 (2023)
  4. F. Yao, Y. Ji and J. H. Zhang, “Connecting Euclidean to light-cone correlations: From flavor nonsinglet in forward kinematics to flavor singlet in non-forward kinematics ”, JHEP 11, 021 (2023)
  5. V. M. Braun, Y. Ji and A. N. Manashov “Next-to-leading-power kinematic corrections to DVCS: a scalar target”, JHEP 01, 078 (2023)
  6. V. M. Braun, Y. Ji and J. Schoenleber “Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at Next-to-Next-to- Leading Order”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, no.17, 172001 (2022)
  7. Y. Ji and H. Lamm and S. C. Zhu “Gluon Digitization via Character Expansion for Quantum Computers”, Phys. Rev. D 107, no.11, 114503 (2023)
  8. V. M. Braun, Y. Ji and A. Vladimirov, “QCD factorization for chiral-odd parton quasi- and pseudo-distributions”, JHEP 10, 087 (2021)
  9. J. Gao, T. Huber, Y. Ji and Y. M. Wang, “Next-to-next-to-leading-order QCD prediction for the photon-pion form factor”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, no.6, 6 (2022)
  10. V. M. Braun, Y. Ji and A. Vladimirov, “QCD factorization for twist-three axial-vector parton quasidistributions”, JHEP 05, 086 (2021)
  11. V. M. Braun, Y. Ji and A. N. Manashov, “Two-photon processes in conformal QCD: Resummation of the descendants of leading-twist operators” JHEP 03, 051 (2021)
  12. Y. Ji, H. Lamm and S. C. Zhu [NuQS], “Gluon Field Digitization via Group Space Decimation for Quantum Computers”, Phys. Rev. D 102, no.11, 114513 (2020)
  13. V. M. Braun, Y. Ji and A. N. Manashov, “Two-loop evolution equation for the B-meson distribution amplitude”, Phys. Rev. D 100, no.1, 014023 (2019)
  14. V. M. Braun, Y. Ji and A. N. Manashov, “Integrability in heavy quark effective theory”, JHEP 06, 017 (2018)
  15. M. Beneke, V. M. Braun, Y. Ji and Y. B. Wei, “Radiative leptonic decay B → γlνl with subleading power corrections”, JHEP 07, 154 (2018)
  16. V. M. Braun, Y. Ji and A. N. Manashov, “Higher-twist B-meson Distribution Amplitudes in HQET,” JHEP 05, 022 (2017)
  17. Y. Ji and A. V. Belitsky, “Renormalization of twist-four operators in light-cone gauge”, Nucl. Phys. B 894, 161-222 (2015)
  18. A. V. Belitsky, D. Müller and Y. Ji, “Compton scattering: from deeply virtual to quasi-real”, Nucl. Phys. B 878, 214-268 (2014)