JIN, Yuhua

Assistant Professor

Education Background

Ph.D. (Beijing University of Technology)

M.Eng. (Beijing University of Technology)

B.Sc. (Beijing University of Technology)

Research Field
Human-computer interaction, optical engineering, personal fabrication, visualization technologies, art and design
Academic Area
Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Personal Website

Prof. Yuhua Jin received his B.Sc. in Applied Physics, M.Eng. in Optical Engineering, and Ph.D. in Optical Engineering from Beijing University of Technology in 2010, 2013, and 2017, respectively. Following this, he spent two years as a Postdoctoral Associate in the HCI Engineering Group at MIT CSAIL (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) from 2018 to 2020. Before joining CUHK-Shenzhen as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in School of Science and Engineering (SSE), he also served as a visiting scholar at the School of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University in Canada and as the CTO of Tinted Technology Inc. in Italy.

Prof. Yuhua Jin is an innovative researcher at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Optical Engineering. His research direction combines interdisciplinary approaches, primarily focusing on advanced personal fabrication technologies and visualization technologies. This includes exploring how to integrate advanced optical technologies with computing software and hardware to conduct diverse and innovative applied research. His goal is to bridge the gap between high-end technology and its practical applications in our daily lives. During his tenure at MIT, Dr. Jin developed a groundbreaking color-changing technology named “Photo-Chromeleon”. This “reprogrammable” dye empowers users to digitally alter its physical color by projecting special light onto it, challenging the traditional notion that color is a permanent finish for objects after manufacturing. This work holds significant innovative implications for various fields in science, engineering, and art. For his research achievement, Dr. Jin received the Best Paper Award and the Best Talk Award at ACM UIST 2019, and was also awarded a DCEXPO Special Prize at SIGGRAPH 2020. His work has gained widespread attention, featuring in hundreds of press articles from distinguished outlets such as BBC News, MIT News, Fast Company, Business Insider, and many others.

Academic Publications

[14] Yuning Su, Yuhua Jin, Zhengqing Wang, Yonghao Shi, Da-Yuan Huang, Teng Han, Xing-dong Yang, “Laser-Powered Vibrotactile Rendering”. Submitted to the Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (ACM IMWUT '23) (2023)

[13] Michael Wessely, Yuhua Jin, Cattalyya Nuengsigkapian, Aleksei Kashapov, Isabel Qamar, Dzmitry Tsetserukou, Stefanie Mueller. “ChromoUpdate: Fast Design Iteration of Photochromic Color Textures Using Grayscale Previews and Local Color Updates”. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI '21), 1–13 (2021)

[12] Yuhua Jin, Isabel Qamar, Michael Wessely, Stefanie Mueller. “Introduction to Re-Programmable Color-Changing Materials”. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI EA '20), 1–4 (2020)

[11] Yuhua Jin, Isabel Qamar, Michael Wessely, Stefanie Mueller. “Invited Paper -- Photo-Chromeleon: Re-Programmable Multi-Color Textures Using Photochromic Dyes”. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2020 Emerging Technologies (SIGGRAPH '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 7, 1–2 (2020) [DCEXPO Special Prize]

[10] Yuhua Jin, Isabel Qamar, Michael Wessely, Aradhana Adhikari, Katarina Bulovic, Parinya Punpongsanon, Stefanie Mueller. “Photo-Chromeleon: Re-Programmable Multi-Color Textures Using Photochromic Dyes”. In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (ACM UIST '19), 701–712 (2019) [Best Paper Award]

[9] Ali Hassan, Yuhua Jin, Muhammad Azam, Muhammad Irfan, Yijian Jiang. “Large photoluminescence enhancement in mechanical-exfoliated one-dimensional ZnO nanorods”. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 30, 5 (2019)

[8] Ali Hassan, Yuhua Jin, Muhammad Irfan, Yijian Jiang. “Acceptor-modulated optical enhancements and band-gap narrowing in ZnO thin films”. AIP Advances 8, 035212 (2018)

[7] Ali Hassan, Feng Chao, Yuhua Jin, Muhammad Irfan, Yijian Jiang. “First principle calculations and opto-electric enhancement in laser ablated GZO thin films”. Optical and Quantum Electronics 50, 143 (2018)

[6] Ali Hassan, Yuhua Jin, Feng Chao, Muhammad Irfan, Yijian Jiang. “Dopant-driven enhancements in the optoelectronic properties of laser ablated ZnO: Ga thin films”. Journal of Applied Physics 123, 161401 (2018)

[5] Yuhua Jin, Ali Hassan, Yijian Jiang. “Chebyshev Freeform Microlens Array Homogenizer for E-xcimer Laser Beam Shaping”, in Frontiers in Optics 2017, OSA Technical Digest (2017)

[4] Yuhua Jin, Ali Hassan, and Y. Jiang. “Freeform microlens array homogenizer for excimer laser beam shaping”, Optics Express 24, 24846-24858 (2016)

[3] Yuhua Jin, Yan Zhao, Yijian Jiang. “Microlens beam homogenizer for excimer laser processing”, Journal of Laser Applications 28, 022601 (2016)

[2] Yuhua Jin, Yan Zhao, and Yijian Jiang. “Microlens beam shaping and homogenizing optical system for excimer laser”, Chinese Journal of Lasers 42(6), 0602003 (2015) [Best Paper Award]

[1] Yuhua Jin, Yan Zhao, Yijian Jiang. “Simulation of excimer laser based on ZEMAX software”, Chinese Journal of Lasers 40(9), 090210 (2013)