Assistant Professor

Education Background

Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering & M.S.E. in Applied Mathematics and Statistics (Johns Hopkins University)

M.S. in Electrical Engineering (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

B.Eng in Electrical Engineering and Automation (Harbin Institute of Technology)

Research Field
Control theory, power systems
Academic Area
Electrical Engineering, New Energy Science and Engineering

Yan Jiang is an Assistant Professor at the School of Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. She received her Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering, together with the M.S.E. degree in applied mathematics and statistics from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, in 2021, M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, CHN, in 2016, and B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering and automation from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, CHN, in 2013. After Ph.D., she was a Postdoctoral Scholar with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Washington, Seattle, USA, from 2021 to 2024. Her research focuses on control, optimization, and learning with application to power systems.

Academic Publications

Refereed Journal Articles

  1. Y. Jiang, H. Min, and B. Zhang, “Oscillations-aware frequency security assessment via efficient worst-case frequency nadir computation,” Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 234, p. 110656, Sep. 2024 (also in Power Systems Computation Conference 2024).
  2. O. O. Khamisov, M. Ali, T. Sayfutdinov, Y. Jiang, V. Terzija, and P. Vorobev, “A novel contingency-aware primary frequency control for power grids with high CIG-penetration,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 5792–5805, July 2024.
  3. W. Cui, Y. Jiang, and B. Zhang, “Reinforcement learning for optimal primary frequency control: A lyapunov approach,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 1676–1688, March 2023.
  4. Y. Jiang, W. Cui, B. Zhang, and J. Cortes, “Stable reinforcement learning for optimal frequency control: A distributed averaging-based integral approach,” IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems, vol. 1, pp. 194–209, Oct. 2022.
  5. Y. Jiang, A. Bernstein, P. Vorobev, and E. Mallada, “Grid-forming frequency shaping control for low-inertia power systems,” IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 1988–1993, Dec. 2021 (also in American Control Conference 2021).
  6. Y. Jiang, E. Cohn, P. Vorobev, and E. Mallada, “Storage-based frequency shaping control,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 5006–5019, Nov. 2021.
  7. Y. Jiang, R. Pates, and E. Mallada, “Dynamic droop control for low-inertia power systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 3518–3533, Aug. 2021.
  8. E. Weitenberg, Y. Jiang, C. Zhao, E. Mallada, C. De Persis, and F. Dorfler, “Robust decentralized secondary frequency control in power systems: Merits and tradeoffs,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 3967–3982, Oct. 2019.

Conference Proceedings

  1. W. Cui, Y. Jiang, B. Zhang, and Y. Shi, “Structured neural-PI control with end-to-end stability and output tracking guarantees,” in Proc. of Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Dec. 2023, pp. 68 434–68 457.
  2. Y. Jiang, W. Cui, B. Zhang, and J. Cortes, “Equilibria of fully decentralized learning in networked systems,” in Proc. of Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference, June 2023, pp. 333–345.
  3. E. Weitenberg, Y. Jiang, C. Zhao, E. Mallada, F. D ̈orfler, and C. D. Persis, “Robust decentralized frequency control: A leaky integrator approach,” in Proc. of European Control Conference, June 2018, pp. 764–769.
  4. Y. Jiang, R. Pates, and E. Mallada, “Performance tradeoffs of dynamically controlled grid-connected inverters in low inertia power systems,” in Proc. of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec. 2017, pp. 5098–5105.
  5. Y. Jiang, X. Ruan, and C. Xiong, “Study of loop gain measurement of digitally controlled DC/DC converters,” in Proc. of IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, May 2016, pp. 2806–2812.