Bradley J. Nelson

Adjunct Professor

Education Background

BSME University of Illinois 

MSME University of Minnesota 

Ph.D. in Robotics, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University


Research Field
Microrobotics, Nanorobotics, Medical Robotics
Academic Area
Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Personal Website

Brad Nelson has over thirty-five years of experience in the field of robotics and has received a number of awards in the fields of robotics, nanotechnology, and biomedicine. He serves on the advisory boards of a number of academic departments and research institutes across North America, Europe, and Asia and is on the editorial boards of several academic journals. Prof. Nelson been the Professor of Robotics and Intelligent Systems at ETH Zürich since 2002 and has served as the Department Head of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH, the Chairman of the ETH Electron Microscopy Center, and was a member of the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation from 2010-2018. He also serves on boards of three Swiss companies and is a member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering (SATW). Before moving to Europe, Prof. Nelson worked as an engineer at Honeywell and Motorola and served as a United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Botswana, Africa. He has also been a professor at the University of Minnesota and the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Academic Publications

1. J. Cui, T-Y. Huang, L. Zhaochu, P. Testa, H. Gu, X-Z. Chen, B. J. Nelson, and L. J. Heyderman. "Nanomagnetic encoding of shape-morphing micromachines." Nature, 575, No. 7781 (2019): 164-168, November 2019.

2. J. Burri, H. Vogler, G. Munglani, N. Läubli, U. Grossniklaus, B.J. Nelson, “A Microrobotic System for Simultaneous Measurement of Turgor Pressure and Cell-Wall Elasticity of Individual Growing Plant Cells”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 4, No. 2, April 2019

3. N. Läubli, N. Shamsudhin, H. Vogler, G. Munglani, U. Grossniklaus, D. Ahmed, B.J. Nelson, “3D Manipulation and Imaging of Plant Cells using Acoustically Activated Microbubbles”, Small Methods, February 2019

4. J. T. Burri, H. Vogler, N. F. Läubli, C. Hu, U. Grossniklaus, B. J. Nelson, «Feeling the force: how pollen tubes deal with obstacles», New Phytologist, Vol. 220, 187-195, October 2018

5. C. de Marco, S. Pané, B. J. Nelson, "4D printing and robotics", Science Robotics, Vol. 3, Issue 18, eaau0449, May 2018

6. D. Ahmed, T. Baasch, N. Blondel, B.J. Nelson, J.  Dual, “Neutrophil-inspired propulsion in a combined acoustic and magnetic field”, Nature Communications, Volume: 8, 770, October, 2017

7. S. Schuerle, I. Avalos Vizcarra, J. Moeller, M. S. Sakar, B. Özkale, A. M. Lindo, F. Mushtaq, I.Schoen, S. Pané, V. Vogel, B. J. Nelson, “Robotically controlled microprey to resolve initial attack modes preceding phagocytosis”, Science Robotics, Vol. 2, eaah6094, January 2017

8. C. Hu, H. Vogler, M. Aellen, N. Shamsudhin, B. Jang, J. Burri, N. Läubli, U. Grossniklaus, S. Pané, B.J. Nelson, “High precision, localized proton gradients and fluxes generated by a microelectrode device induce differential growth behaviors of pollen tubes”, Lab on a Chip, vol. 17, pp. 671-680, January 2017

9. H.W. Huang, M.S. Sakar, A.J. Petruska, S. Pané, B.J. Nelson, "Soft Micromachines with Programmable Motility and Morphology, " Nature Communications, Vol. 7, 12263, July 2016

10. M.S Sakar, J. Eyckmans, R.S Pieters, D. Eberli, B.J Nelson, C.S. Chen, "Cellular forces and matrix assembly coordinate fibrous tissue repair", Nature Communications, Vol. 07, No. 11036, March 2016