Information Session on CUHK MSc in Information Engineering (MScIE)
Dear All,
You are cordially invited to the Information Session on CUHK MSc in Information Engineering (MScIE) at 19:00 on November 18th (Wednesday).
Established in 1997, the Master of Science in Information Engineering (MScIE) programme is an elite taught-postgraduate programme offered by the Department of Information Engineering, CUHK. Extending the Department’s mission of nurturing and educating engineering leaders for the information world of today and tomorrow, MScIE provides a flexible curriculum, holistic learning experience, and extensive alumni network to its students.
The programme introduction, curriculum & course offerings, student life, graduate destinations, admission requirements, application will be fully covered in this information session, please take hold of this opportunity to know about the MScIE and Department of Information Engineering.
Topic: Introduction of MSc in Information Engineering programme, CUHK
Time & Date: 19:00-20:00, November 18th (Wednesday), 2020
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 921 2673 9014
Passcode: 042792
Prof. Zhang Ying-Jun, Angela (MScIE Programme Director)
Prof. Chan Yuen-Yan, Rosanna (MScIE Deputy Programme Director)
About the Speaker:
Prof. Zhang Ying-Jun received her PhD degree from Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She was a visiting scholar at Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from July to August, 2007 and July to August, 2009.
Prof. Zhang Ying-Jun is an IEEE Technical Activity Board GOLD Representative, 2008 IEEE GOLD Technical Conference Program Leader, IEEE Communication Society GOLD Committee Chair, Member of IEEE Communication Society Member Relations Council, Member of IEEE Communication Society Marketing and Industry Relations Board.
Prof. Chan Yuen-Yan received her BEng, MPhil, MEd and PhD degrees from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She served as an assistant professor in the Department of Information Engineering, CUHK in 2006 – 2007, and as a postdoctoral fellow in Strategic Research Theme in Sciences of Learning, HKU in 2008 – 2011. Prof. Chan Yuen-Yan possesses a multidisciplinary background in engineering, education, and learning sciences. Her research interests include engineering education, human factors in online social networks, and learning sciences. Prof. Chan Yuen-Yan founded the IEEE Education Society Hong Kong Chapter and is the Founding Chair.

Registration: Please scan the QR Code below
All of you are warmly welcomed!